
HellsGate Haunted House

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  (1 review)
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Ages 10 & Above
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Commercial / For Profit
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Haunted Houses
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Wheelchair Accessible, Snacks & Refreshments, Outdoor Event(s), Indoor Event(s), Covered Wait Area, Touching Not Allowed, Free Parking
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Hidden deep in the woods, HellsGate is a multi-level mansion filled with secret passages, giant slides, ghastly secrets, undead abominations, really nervous groundskeepers and a darkness that the gate can no longer contain! This is not just a haunted house, it’s an adventure!

Since you were a kid, you've heard about the haunted house with the giant slide, the one hidden out in the woods, the one where you can win your money back, but you were never able to find it... until now! It’s HellsGate Haunted House in Lockport, IL.
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Since HellsGate is a mansion hidden in the woods, all of our guests during the Halloween Season (all open dates shown on the calendar HERE) MUST PARK at 301 W. 2nd Street, Lockport IL 60441. After parking, guests will then take a 5 minute shuttle bus from the parking lot to the drop off point on the HellsGate grounds. Remember, HellsGate is not just a haunted house, it's an adventure, and during the Halloween season, your adventure starts in a parking lot! Parking lot and bus shuttle are first-come, first-served. General, VIP, Instant Entry, Hell Pass and All Access do not go into effect until you redeem your tickets at the ticket booth at the haunted house. Bus shuttle lines do get long on Fridays and Saturdays, please arrive early.

Recent Reviews

  • Unlike any other haunted house

    I don't think I've ever been to something like this! It's more than JUST a haunted house. The trail might be the coolest part. I can't think of anywhere else in Chicagoland that has an outdoor part that is part of the attraction and not just a waiting area full of actors. I don't even know where to begin with the house itself. It's GORGEOUS! You really have to see it for yourself, no description I give would do it justice. The costumes and make up were brilliant, I *did* notice there was...I'm pretty sure, no blood. It's all "darkness" at HellsGate, which is brilliant for people who may be a little put off by all the violence in so many haunts these days. The actors were phenomenal. They really kept the energy up and moved things along without making us feel rushed. Not everyone in our group is easily scared but everyone absolutely was entertained and had a blast! They even have concessions before and after the house. A couple food trucks and a beer garden. There was even a witch themed 5 min escape room for guests t play!

    Scare Factor:
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    Posted October 2019

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HellsGate Haunted House
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