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Indy Scream Park

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  (154 reviews)
Scare Factor
Very Scary
Appropriate For
Teens and Adults
Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Haunted Houses, Zombie Hunts & Shootouts, Haunted Trails, Scream Parks
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Wheelchair Accessible, Touching Allowed, Parking Fees May Apply
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2 Awards Received

2 Awards Received

Killgore's 3D Circus:
Killgore’s 3D Circus is the most mysterious big top show in America. Mr. Killgore parades his circus into small towns across the country during Halloween season, making a killing in the process.

Disfigured clowns perform in the streets before the circus arrives, taking note of prospective “customers”. The rest of the troop arrives and its baggage wagons are unloaded, the marquee is built and playbills are thrown about town.

Then the “show” begins…

Mr. Killgore draws in the crowds and puts on a mesmerizing 3D spectacle, as one would expect. But as the days wear on, severed body parts start showing up on doorsteps, piercing screams are heard from the big top and the dry smell of blood permeates the town.

Just when the locals start to connect the dots, Killgore’s 3D Circus disappears overnight leaving only the damp festival grounds where it once stood, saturated with carnage.

But rumors are that Killgore’s 3D Circus is coming to town…

Zombieland: Unchained
Twelve years after the zombie apocalypse, Outpost 49 is the last remaining “sanctuary” in the territory formerly known as Indiana. Jeb Sr., commander of Outpost 49, has taken a unique approach to the zombie horde, wrangling them into a slave army.
But after becoming infected himself, Jeb Sr. snapped. He’s had enough of this world and has decided to end it all by cutting his mob of zombies loose.
Your path leads you through the unchained zombie herd of Outpost 49 filled with the remaining survivors who are losing their minds as the begin to turn themselves.
Will you survive, or will you become a bedtime snack?


Zombieland: Unchained is an interactive attraction.
Visitors entering Zombieland: Unchained will be faced with an important decision:
Should you explore Outpost 49 and simply watch the action?
Or should you “mark” yourself to truly interact with the creatures within?
Those who opt-in for a truly interactive experience may be grabbed, held back, sent into hidden rooms, removed from their group or even forced to remain…
Choose wisely.

(Customers must be 18 years old to “mark” themselves)

Eastgate Prison is where they send the truly horrible criminals. It’s high security for the worst of the worst – at least until the blackout…

In the midst of the darkness, the prisoners have rioted and taken over. Now that the inmates have control, the only way to get out alive is through them.

Eastgate Prison is an interactive attraction.

Visitors entering Eastgate Prison will be faced with an important decision:

Should you explore the prison and just watch the action?
Or should you “mark” yourself to truly interact with the prisoners within?
Those who opt-in for a truly interactive experience may be grabbed, held back, sent into hidden cells, removed from their group or even forced to remain…

Choose wisely.

(Customers must be 18 years old to “mark” themselves)

Zombie Paintball Assault:


It’s been awhile since the last time we were scared of those pathetic pieces of man-meat that used to chew on our neighbor’s stomach before we developed the art of separating head, from body and got real good at it.

Word down the crick is the boys and girls in suits are finally opening up the RED ZONE for “ORGANIZED RECREATIONAL ZOMBIE HUNTING PARTIES” or “O.R.Z.H.P.s”… (suits and their dopey a-cro-nyms).


What’s that? Years of civility has made you trade in your death-toys for hoes, rakes & an irrational sense of safety? Poppycock.

Have no fear my little zombie killing cherubs. Each of our Zombie Assault Vehicles or “Z.A.V.s” (We can make stupid a-cro-nyms too!) comes equipped with standard-issue Zombie Paintball Guns for your pleasure that dishes out pain to the zombies in the form of little balls of death.

Report to me, Lieutenant Ronald McDonald, at the edge of the Green Zone to hop on one of our two Z.A.V.’s, the “Screamin’ Banshee” or the “Happy Hour Special”, and start your trek out into the Red Zone to bag & tag zombies and win the esteemed (and imaginary) Zombie Hunting Crown!

But seriously, if someone could beat Marty McDooby’s high score so he would shut up about it… that’d be great.


Back Woods:
This small corner of Bearstone National Park is avoided by locals due to the stories told of the Tate family who have called these woods home for five generations.

The Tates have guarded their land fiercely ever since the Federal Government claimed it for the national park. Isolated for decades, the only folks to see the Tates these days are the unlucky travelers who experience car trouble or lose their way.

To find your way out of Backwoods you’ll need to navigate through dark, winding trails discovering different members of the Tate family in their cabins, workshops and outhouses.

But if you happen to encounter Papa Tate, you’ll wish you had stayed on the main roads…

Nightmare Factory Blackout:
Clawing, scraping, tearing, skittering and screaming.

Your sight has failed you as the darkness envelops. You can only hear… and feel.

The local power plant went dark a few years back, and the word around town is that something happened inside the walls so awful that the reactor shut down without warning. Don’t let your imagination run wild at the things that are brushing your legs, grabbing your arms and sinking their teeth into anything they can…

However, we can assure you that what’s really stalking you is exactly what wakes you up in the middle of the night. It knows you – it knows what terrifies you and it won’t let you escape.

Abandon your sight and use your sense of touch to explore through what you thought was just a power plant, and find yourself face to face with the most primal fear known on Earth: Complete darkness.

Monster Midway:
The Monster Midway is the hub of Indy Scream Park. It’s the perfect place to get the night started or to take a break and bask in the afterglow of adrenaline-fueled terror. Features include:

- An array of terrifying monsters
- An assortment of beer and wine, including Bonzo’s Beer Garden
- A wide selection of hot and cold beverages
- A variety of delicious fresh food
- Fire pits to set the mood
- A fully stocked gift shop carrying Indy Scream Park branded merchandise
- Awesome midway games
- Indy Scream Park photo spots
- Caricature artist drawings

Experience the Monster Midway, open every evening until close.

Bonzo's Beer Garden:
Bonzo used to live a life full of blood, carnage and gore just like any other respectable clown, but had trouble making ends meet. It was hard to make cash when the job was literally killing off the clientele, making it difficult to have repeat customers. Looking around for a second passion, Bonzo found an alternative to bloodshed and massacre: Craft beer brewing.

Long hard days of working on different brews turned into long months without seeing a dollar in his pocket from all his endeavor. The beer was too “irony”, the color was too red, and the beer drinkers didn’t appreciate their own fingers being cut off and used as a garnish in the seasonal brews. It was all going oh so very wrong for poor old Bonzo.

Then one night, reminiscing over a sharp butcher knife, Bonzo had a grand idea: Instead of making the beer himself, coerce all of the local vendors to sell their beers under his name.

Bonzo was, if anything, incredibly persuasive with a sharp blade or a steel bat and so it was rather easy to get all of the best local brew masters to “agree”.

Fully stocked with all the best local craft beers around, Bonzo’s Beer Garden in the Monster Midway is now open and Bonzo and his bat-crazy bar-mates Bobo, Icky & Chuckles are ready to make a killing.
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Indy Scream Park
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Get Directions

Get Directions
located at the White River Paintball facility just off of I-69, exit #226 in Anderson, Indiana: Take I-69 to exit #226 Go south 1/2 mile and take a right at the first stop light (67th St.) Continue 1/2 mile and take a left at the next stop sign (Columbus Avenue) Continue 1 mile to the facility

Recent Reviews

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  • Email Verified Love the new attraction

    We’ve already been this year in 2020 and loved the zombie paintball attraction. The zombies were the best, loved the neon lights and glow in the dark paint. Indy scream park is the best, always clean and building new stuff.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted September 2020

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified So much fun

    Best place I've been to. It was scary yet fun. Will definitely be back.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2019

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Amazing night

    I always have a great time at Indy Scream Park! There were a lot of staff members out sick last weekend, but working in the medical field, I know that happens. The haunts are awesome though. The bonfires are great. Food is good. I love going there!!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2019

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Great haunting

    I always enjoy a good scare. Lines can be long, but as long as they have employees about to keep you occupied it makes it go by fast.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2019

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified A thrilling night

    Truly a thrill from beginning to end well worth the money best one in the entire state

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2019

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified The Scariest Haunted Attraction in Indiana

    This is an extreme haunt experience and you will get your money's worth.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2019

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Best place yet

    Very scary everyone is professional they go above and beyond for the set up amazing place and super clean

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2019

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Spectacular

    This place is a.azing and get better every year. Keep up the good work

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2019

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Best Haunted Houses!

    These are by far the best haunted houses I have ever been to! Even better, you get to go through multiple different haunted experiences. EVEN BETTER, they have a carnival area with a fire pit, food, drinks, and games. This experience is an entire evening of fun, and definitely worth the money. I highly recommend spending extra on the fast pass so you don't have to wait in line as long. They offer so many experience options. If you want a good scare, make sure to plan your trip here!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2019

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Indy Scream Park 2012

    I went when I was young and enjoyed every minute of it! I’ve always been about scary haunted houses since I’ve been young and have always wanted to come back!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2019

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Best attraction ever

    I haven't been to indy scream park since last year but is hands down one of the only scary attractions I will attend. The fact actors cant touch you without the glow stick is great. I have high anxiety about those things and that reassurance is great. The price is great. All of the attractions inside are amazingly well put together and always give me a good jump and scream! Refreshing with a cold beer in between with scary ass actors in your face just tops the whole deal. Dont tell the actors your name because they WILL tell everyone at the next attraction you go too LOL. Looking forward to visiting next week!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2019

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Indy Scream Park

    Indy Scream Park is a very scary haunted attraction. I give them 10 stars and not a 5 because that is how good it is and scary it is... go to Indy Scream Park and try it out because you won't regret it one bit and it's worth the money.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Length of Event: > 1 hour
    Time Visited: 5PM - 9PM
    Would Recommend: Yes
    Suitable For Kids: Unsure
    Posted October 2019

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified The best haunted attraction around

    I cant Express more on how impressed I was when I visited last weekend. I have literally told all my family and friends that were not able to go how much fun I had and how well organized it was put together. Kudos to whomever is in charge of organizing the whole event. Well done!! Will definitely visit next year. I would absolutely love the chance to go again before it ends.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2019

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