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Dog Face Bridge - Real Haunt in San Pierre IN

  • S. 1000 W. over the Kankakee River
  • San Pierre, IN
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Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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This bridge has a couple of legends that surround it. One involves a 1950's honeymooning couple and a dog that ran out in the front of the car, causing them to drive off the bridge. There have been many reports of things in the area including apparitions of bodies, a females apparition with a dog's head, growing sounds and howls. Reports say the bridge is no longer there, only its cement remnants.
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  • Loved it!!

    I went here about two months ago on a ghost tour with my guide, Terrance. We didn't see much happen, but it was still a very great experience! This was my first ghost tour and I learned Terrance's favorite color was blue!! Even if you don't see anything, it's still very fun to do.

    Posted 2/20/25

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  • There was no dog

    I recently went to dog face bridge and wanted to see if the legend was true. I arrived at about 11:28 PM in my 2008 Buick and flashed my headlights. However as I waited, nothing happened. This caused me to become very mad as I drove over 5 hours to see this. However, I did enjoy San Pierre as I met a nice woman named Nancie and her dog, LUCY.??

    Posted 2/20/25

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  • Didn’t Even Make It There

    Was trying to go and unfortunately a truck started coming toward us and chased us off for quite a few a few miles, but on everything I love, the truck completely vanished!!!

    Posted 1/26/25

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  • Most Eerie Place I've Been

    Went to dog face bridge oh probably about 10 years ago or so. We get there and have to walk down a really long path with a cornfield next to it. That part was pretty much fine other than maybe seeing some lights in the distance or feeling like we were being followed. Whatever. I went ahead of my two friends and crossed the bridge before they did. Once again, I did not really feel anything eerie while I was on the bridge. However, after taking just a few steps into the woods I felt like my vision had completely shifted sideways. I had an internal feeling, almost an emotional feeling, of a screeching sound. I really don't know how to describe it. My vision was completely skewed. For whatever reason, I truly felt that I needed to get out of those woods as soon as possible. I do also think I saw some sort of creature with a weird head. Anyway, that's not the weird part. I believe that when we come into contact with paranormal beings that sometimes it affects us physically. Well, this is about a 4-Hour drive from my house. We run back to the car and literally as soon as we get there, I start violently throwing up. I also had terrible diarrhea, the worst I've ever had in my entire life. I puked in all sorts of stuff for hours. It was literally the most sick I've ever been in my entire life. I was sober, and felt completely fine the entire day and going to the bridge. But after my experience in the woods I fell extremely ill, and that is part of the reason why I found the whole experience to be incredibly terrifying.

    Posted 5/1/21

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  • We owned that property until 1990

    Sorry but it's not true. A lady did die by the bridge but it was not a car accident and there was no dog involved.

    Posted 9/12/20

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    3 out of 17 found this review helpful

  • We heard the dog woman

    Me and my buddy drove about 2 hours to the bridge and we were blocked by a road block and we got out of the truck and went on by foot btw it was pitch black and raining and we made it about halfway and he told me he heard a howl and then I heard howling and growling from what seemed to be a ditch on the side of the road and then we ran back to the truck but while running I looked behind myself multiple times and saw something pole it’s head out of the reeds and move towards us and we eventually got into the truck and saw eyes by the road block we busted tail out of there..... I’ve never been so scared and I’m not that easily spooked

    Posted 4/26/20

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    8 out of 8 found this review helpful

  • not alone down there

    i actually live near doghead bridge and ive been there once but when you get close to the actual structure the air feels very stiff and you definately feel that you are not welcome

    Posted 4/14/20

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    THE BRIDGE IS STILL THERE AND IS INTACT FOR THE MOST PART I HAVE PICTURES OF MY FIANCE AND SON ON THE BRIDGE. this was Halloween 2019 day time. we all felt like we were intruding by being there

    Posted 3/20/20

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    2 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • UFO sighting at Dog Face Bridge

    When I was 18 (now 37) 4 of us went to Dog Face Bridge. My friend was getting ready to take a picture of me in some stupid pose. Right before he snapped it, I saw a yellow light (roughly 10' diameter) approximately 15' above my head. I looked up as he snapped the picture. When the camera flashed the he light disappeared. I recently asked my friend if he remembered the event. He said no. I thought I may have dreamed the event, but I have the photograph. I have brushed it off as some sort of government surveillance, via drone. Idk how else to explain it..

    Posted 3/5/20

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  • crazy guy try to murder me

    soo this one time me and my friend decide to go to this really creepy guy abandoned house I mean this guy lived next to the abended house so we get there inside we imethelitly went up to the top floor and a found a knife just chilling the so pickup the and show it to my friend he turns pale and we hear footsteps from the first floor I all most shit my pants and we just wait there comes below there flor where we are so when decide come out he will chase so we just waiting for something to happen so we then decided to sprint out we all get out I decide bash out the window with my arm and it works the guy chase as with I knife and crowbar we hide at the playground he leaves location kaunas aleksotas

    Posted 12/14/19

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    1 out of 13 found this review helpful

  • Spooky at night

    A group of friends decided to bring a ouija board. We were confident all the way there until we had to walk two miles. We occasionally stopped and listened for a noise. The corn in the fields gave us a scary vibe. We all had cold chills, heat at some point and we were running out of breath. We eventually got to the bridge and chickened out on using the board. There was no place really to put it. We did hear a noise like either an animal or footsteps behind us on our way back to the gate. We ran and eventually got to the gate. It was an intense walking two miles in the dark with a ouija board, BB gun, knife and a holy bible.

    Posted 8/1/19

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  • A nice place during the day

    A few friends and I went there once at night and once in the day. At night it was actually terrifying. We started walking down the long trail after parking our car right in front of the metal gate and everything was fine till we started to hit were the woods start and we kept hearing foot steps and I actually saw red eyes and that was it for me, once I announced I saw red eyes look at me we all booked it down the trail and jumped into the car and locked all the doors. The next morning we returned and jrs actually a pretty place in day light sadly a ton of trash but some of the stuff out there is like antiques like old old bottles and cans and what not. Super cool stuff! But it did feel like maybe we were being watched or something the entire time but other than that it's a really cool place to check out and would recommend it

    Posted 4/6/19

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  • Randomly Stumbled Upon Unknowing

    About 10 years ago I was looking for tucked away fishing access to the Kankakee river south shoreline. I found a one lane dirt road on the South side of the river and proceeded North in hopes to find river access. What I actually found was an abandoned steel bridge overgrown with weeds and holes in the floor that once overpassed the “pre dredged” Kankakee river. I walked across the bridge about 20 yards then heard a sound in the distance. It sounded like something running through dead leaves and brush. As the sound got closer and closer I stopped walking and began to hear a sound like feet thumping against the ground similar to the sound of a horse running on a dirt track. The sound then got super close when I suddenly felt a gust of wind on the back of my neck and a shadow pass in front of me. The sound of running feet then quickly faded off into the distance. I wrote this experience off a spooking a deer that ran close to me even though I never physically saw anything and It was broad daylight. I had no idea I was at Dog Face Bridge until reading about this location a few years ago. I plan to return soon.........

    Posted 10/21/18

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  • Actually a nice place

    I am from wheatfield its a couple towns over. Me and my friends went there probably half a dozen times. Only ever had one experience there but it scared me enough i jumped the hood of my car. I saw what i thought was a woman that was enough for me i got outta dodge quick. Its actually a very pretty area during the day. There was a torn down shack out there when i was a kid. Homeless people have lived out there and there have been drug deals done out there as well. One time me and my friends actually got chased out of there by a car. Last time i went the county had put up a metal gate about a mile away from the first bridge. I haven't been there in 5ish years. I don't really believe in ghosts but theres def something out there. In my opinion

    Posted 3/14/18

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  • Dogface Bridge is really haunted

    I been to Dogface Bridge twice first time was at night I was walking down the trail and I heard dogs howling then a light in the distance was following me so I waited for it to come to me thinking it was people but it went out that didn't get me to much surprisingly I walked a life further but soon I turned around because it was pitch black and I didn't know what's actually out there then I heard a dog following me I ran but it ran with me still following me from behind then I got in my car and left then the second time was in the day nothing really happened I discovered there's way more to the trail then before but when I walked on after the first bridge and into the woods I got uncomfortable vibes like someone was watching me so I left I did heard a couple of footsteps behind me but that's it I'm hoping to go back there for a third time

    Posted 5/23/17

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Last edit to this listing: 3/25/2016 (3265 days ago)

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