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Okie Pinokie - Peru IN Real Haunted Places

  • Off of River Road - Heading to Mississinewa Resevoir
  • Peru, IN
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Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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You'll find this location off of River Road as you head to Mississinewa Reservior. In the past, the area was marshy where decayed bodies have been found. In one instance, a young man name Joey Peoria disappeared while camping here in 1976. There’s also incidences of men being brutally murdered and showing up here. Ghostly spirits are believed to exist here.
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  • There is no root cellar

    I know every foot of that woods been going there for 45 years hunting and having party's back there since 1981 there is no root cellar

    Posted 9/12/24

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  • Is devil worship

    The woods is on 124 2 cement pillars stand at the entrance been going there since 1981 we witnessed satanic Ritual.one night the people I was with never would go back they have it gated off now you can go there in the daytime but it's prohibited to go there at night now Used to be the state forest a kid was murder there a few years ago

    Posted 9/12/24

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  • Bunch of Bunk

    I grew up in Miami Co. and there wasn't any murder of Joe Peoria in 1976. The road is part of the old Francis Slocum trail going from Peru to Marion. It's a beaitofi; drive in the fall. Colo Porter's grandfather's estate, the Old Fashion Gardene, the Seven Pillars to name a few. No Ghost stories when I was growing up there.

    Posted 8/28/24

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  • Couldn't find it

    I drove out to Peru and Noone knew what I was talking about with okie pinokie or could give directions. I call crap on the whole thing unless someone can send exact coordinates

    Posted 8/27/23

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  • Not a lot of activity when I was there but enough

    I wish I could post a picture here, because I feel like people would shit their pants if they could see the picture I have from this place. A small group of three, including myself went on Halloween night in 2017 or 2018 and nothing much happened. The biggest thing was something running at us in the clearing off the gravel road. But the interesting things happened when we got home. My friend had three scratches on her back and capture a picture with what seemed to be a demons face. It had bulls horns and a nose ring like a bull. There's also a few other figures in it but they are not as easy to see as the demon. I don't know if I'd ever go back. But if I do it's definitely during the day

    Posted 5/27/23

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  • Anyone else have a movement?

    I went to Okie Panoki in 2020 with my cousin who had been there several times, and has some great footage of orbs and a video of what looks like the face of a young girl floating through the windshield of his car. We thought it would be a nice way to get out of the house without contacting society. We waited in various spots that he said he had seen and heard activity in the past, but after 4 hours we had seen nothing. The last place we staked out was very odd. After sitting there for about 15 minutes we heard a noise in the woods behind us. We thought it was just a screech owl, but there were several loud thuds as it got closer to us. We decided to duck down beside a fallen tree, and suddenly the scream was right behind us, and I felt a strong pain in my stomach, and I heard my cousin groan as if he was in pain as well. Instantly I had liquid diarrhea that I could not contain. I yelled lets go and started running down the path back to the car, with my cousin right behind me. When we got back to the car I was wondering if I could hide the fact that I shit my pants, but before I could try to hide it, my cousin asked if I had any extra shorts in the trunk. He had shit himself too, and said he felt the same sharp pain I had right before. We have both been in situations with the supernatural that were much more terrifying and been fine, and we had both eaten supper on our own before meeting up, so it was not something we ate. I have no idea why we both got liquid shits at the same time, but it felt like something was tearing into my back and poking into my gut right before it happened. We were just talking about going back next spring, and I found this site on Google. I really want to go back, but I wanted to see if anyone else has had the shits issue there.

    Posted 12/30/22

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  • Visited over a decade ago, haven’t been back since.

    I’ve only told this to a handful of people, but I feel the need to share after finding this page. Years ago in 2007, four of my friends and I all decided to go here at midnight during the summer. None of us believed in ghosts or the paranormal, we just were bored high school/college students looking for adventure. When we arrived we were laughing and enjoying ourselves. We proceeded to get out a Ouija board (one my mother owned from the 60s). It wasn’t working, none of us really believed in it anyways. After half an hour it began to move lightly, almost as if a magnet was pulling from underneath the board. I’ve played many times, and had friends play jokes, but this was a different feeling. The air felt colder, something was changing in the area. As we played, we supposedly communicated with a young girl. She said her and her father were killed here. After 20 minutes, we then asked for a photo with her. Jokingly, we left a spot open for her on a log. My digital camera buzzed a flickered on the display, an issue I never had before. After looking at the photo, in that very location was a large orb. Still feeling skeptical that my friends were all messing with me, I shook it off as dust. We continued communication until she suddenly moved to “G” and “O” frantically. We didn’t understand what changed. Then silence. No movements, no sound, nothing. I looked at my cell phone to see a dimly lit time, 3:00am. My friend immediately whispered “witching hour”. In a moment we heard cries from the woods. I thought it was a wounded animal, maybe a mating call of sorts. It grew louder and louder until it felt like a scream was surrounding the gravel circle road. We sprinted to my car and got in. It wouldn’t start. Nothing was working. Maybe it was my fear and anxiety causing me to not think clearly. I finally got it started and began to drive away. We all nervously laughed as we started leaving the woods. My friend took my camera out and made a comment on how the display wasn’t turning on. After a moment she took a photo. On the main road I felt uneasy. I was extremely angry, I remember wanting to yell at my friends. I told them I had to pull over. At the local CVS I got out of the car, then black. I woke up in the backseat with my friend crying next to me and praying. She said I was yelling profanities and speaking to myself pacing in circles. To this day I have no idea what this was. Panic attack, fit of rage, possession? Who knows. All I know is, I’ve never experienced anything like that prior nor in the past 15 years since that night. The next day I looked at the photos and did notice something odd. The one photo my friend took of us in the car had an orb trail. It appeared to be entering the car into the backseat. I know this all sounds like a bad teen horror story, but nothing I’ve shared is made up. I honestly don’t care if someone believes me or not, my friends know what we saw and experienced. It’s either the best/cruelest prank ever played, or we dealt with something supernatural. I’ll never go back and I’ve never played the Ouija board again.

    Posted 8/24/22

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  • Listen

    People heed my warning, I am a life long Indiana native with several ties to “people” Is there supernatural occurrences? Yes. But I’m the area is a fourth or fifth (depending on who you ask) cult that operates there, in the woods of gas city by the middle school, and deer wood. Do not mess with them, if you see them leave ASAP I would cite articles of local papers but it’s readily available for any interested including a trial in the late 90s regarding events around the discovery of bodies and repeat occurrences surrounding the involving a group of over 12 young adults some of whom were not even involved just lobbied in. Also the battle of 1812 saw the massacre of nearly an entire Indian tribe after a death march of over sixty miles. Listen don’t be foolish or naive you will find paranormal but you could encounter much, much worst.

    Posted 9/21/21

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  • Unbelievable but true

    I went with my ex-boyfriend and a couple of our friends..I rode in the back (where there is no seats) because I knew it was gonna be a bumpy ride since I had been there before…I was watching out the back window (which was scary as hell since it was night and the only light I had was the red glow of the tail lights…anyway I could aware on everything I saw an Indian woman come out of the woods it was very sudden and disappeared as he was driving fast…we then got to the circle and one of my friends and I saw huge piles of bones but no one else saw them the my ex got out of the car for a second and heard a little girl screaming he got in the car and floored it out of there before we could talk about it

    Posted 9/9/21

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  • Definitely some heavy energy here...

    Went with my boyfriend and our close friend tonight, the first thing to happen was that I caught a video with something mist-like moving through the bean field right before you enter the woods, but could only see it on my phone screen, as I looked at the field and saw nothing. Within the first 15-20 minutes after exiting the vehicle, we caught several photos with visible orbs, and our voice boxes kept asking who we were, what our names are, what we're doing there. As it got dark it said danger, and please leave. Being the stupid idiots we are we sat in the car for about 25 minutes, catching several more phrases and questions on our voice box, as well as hearing footsteps outside of our car, and something chased the vehicle from the woods when we were leaving. After we left, there were fingerprints streaked down our back window that hadn't been there prior (we'd just washed the car). We will for sure be visiting again, it was well worth the hour drive.

    Posted 9/6/21

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  • Back to Okie

    I went to Okie Pinokie last weekend, because I was there last fall on a ghost hunt and thought maybe I could find morels. I didn't find any..and I also couldn't find the root cellar, even though I had been there before. I went during the day, and took some photos. Some of the photos I took were in the same places I had been last fall. I guess the legend of Okie is right...if you are looking for something and you stray off the main trail, you won't find what you are looking for..in my case, the root cellar.

    Posted 4/24/21

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  • Really want to go again

    I went there before but didn't get out of the car because my cousin was scared because there were four cars there and she freaked. Then months later my cousin's and two friends went and the took a recorder with them and heard other voices that weren't theirs so I really want to check it out myself

    Posted 1/24/21

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  • Longer you are there, scarier it gets

    We were there for a little, and it felt like the longer you were there the more unease you felt. Eventually we heard a girl scream from the forest and something ran by us. My friend captured on her phone a picture of a “rod” which is like an orb that is moving and it looks like a rod or like something like that and three red lights in the corner together

    Posted 12/27/20

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  • Returned to Okie

    Last April, I was here and heard eerie howls, which I know believe was someone in the woods playing them over a smart phone or a laptop with a speaker. I went back on 10/10/20 with a group on a hike just after dark. We went back to the root cellar (take the main train from the circle and turn right at the junction, and follow the trail down into the valley to get there.) We heard knocking a couple of times, and the word "demon" over a spirit box. It felt like we were being watched, not just from the ground, but from the trees. Also, someone in the group had a dog, which was quiet the whole time, except by the root cellar, where it barked and responded to something that nobody could see. Next year, I want to go back and hike the trails in the daytime.

    Posted 11/24/20

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  • Nothing

    We went out again last night. Went early to try to find the cellar and didn't find it. It was getting dark as we was leaving the woods, Then I heard a lady humming. I asked my daughter and her girlfriend(who got to the car first) if they were humming, they said no. I'm pretty sure it wasn't them, cuz we was still on the trail when I heard it. So my friend and I stood at the end of the trail close to the car and started yelling out Stephanie's name. All of a sudden we heard coyotes and they seem close, so we hurried and got into the car. We rolled down the windows to see if we could hear them again, and it stopped. So as we was leaving the woods to go home, I drove slow and then we heard what we thought was an owl. Not sure what was out there, but we didn't stick around anymore. Could have been the wildlife or maybe a shape shifter. I don't know!

    Posted 11/6/20

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  • Nothing2020

    Went here halloween 2020. Not so scary. The trees make creaking noises. People hunt here. Theres a weird rare species of bird that inhabits the woods. And makes high pitched sounds. I couldnt find the cellar at all searched over an hour. Went up and down them hills in there. Just got tired and left. Was disappointed i couldnt find the cellar. They say all the people that have been there try to throw other people off by painting all over the trees. It worked threw me the fuck off. Which tree with what fucking marking i was so not finding anything.

    Posted 11/1/20

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  • My first time

    I just heard about this place and,wanred to check it out.I drove over a little over a hour to get there.it was me,my 2 sons and their dad.It was a rough road trying to get to the circle parking area.We went down by the water and,walked the trail along it.My one son said,he heard a girl talking and,something moving in the woods.On a tree by near we parked by the water,it had a pentagram painted on it.I also heard a male voice by me tgat,it scared the crap out of me but,no one was there.We went on one of the horse trails and,more trees were marked.We went in the daylight to see what we were getting ourselves into and,the route.Going back at night next time soon.

    Posted 10/23/20

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  • Spooky

    My daughter, her girlfriend and my husband went out there around dusk. My husband stayed in the car of course. But us girls started walking up one of the horse trails and we seen another car pull up. Of course we got scared and thought it was the cops, no just teenagers doing what we were doing, chasing ghost. So we started back up the trail and it was getting pretty dark( we had flashlights), we get half way back up the trail and we could here things dropping next to us and it sounded like someone was following us. So we got pretty scared and turned around and went back to the car. I would definitely go back again.

    Posted 10/9/20

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  • Out

    Me and my family want two day. Me and my family was so long we was deep in the forest we got lost . My big sister was seeing someone my mother was herrings someone.Me I was out I don’t know what happened after that

    Posted 10/8/20

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  • Scary

    I went there twice, the address is (country road 510 E) the first time was scary. We Friday and seen a few really creepy people there along with girls scream and clown noises. It was me and about 7-8 of my friend each time. So we did feel safe. We even went through the trails late at night. It become harder to breath and we some witch craft stuff with weird shape trees and drawing even saying a doll hung by her neck over a tree by a steam of water which was really scary. We went to leave there was hand on the back of my car. Overall I wish we went with a shorter group for better the experience. Would highly Recommended. But on Friday you see other people late night!

    Posted 9/30/20

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 12/27/2015 (3363 days ago)

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