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Strand Theatre - Real Haunted Place

  • 221 S. Main St.
  • Kendallville, IN
  • (260) 347-3558
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This theater first opened its doors in 1890 and originally sat 750 people. After it was remodeled, it can only seat 500. The theater eventually closed down during World War I and was reopened as a movie theater in 1919.

It has been said that the theater is haunted by its former owner, whose apparitions has been seen by many all throughout the building. He is known to watch visitors through the projection room window, but ducks when anyone looks at him.
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  • Terrifying.

    I’m a delivery driver, which during the day the building is closed so i had to grab the key to unlock the door. when i walk into the building it is pitch black and all the doors are open, i instantly feel an aura that im not supposed to be there, after dropping off the product I hear from the pitch black theatre room a grungey type of growl that was getting closer and closer, i left the building in a hurry when i realize i have to set the receipt onto the table, I walk back in and set it on the table when the theatre door slams shut, I seriously felt like i was about to pass out.

    Posted 8/10/22

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  • Doubtful to be paranormal

    Been going there ever since I was a little kid, never seen or felt ANYTHING strange. I've heard all the stories, but that's all they are. I've known people that work there who have told me that the "man in the projector room" is probably an employee since somebody has to watch over the projector.

    Posted 9/28/21

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  • 123456


    Posted 10/1/20

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    It started out as a normal Friday night out with me, myself, and I. I saw that the like 50th terminator was out so OF COURSE I went inside. Immediately I wanted to wet myself. The energy in the room was so spooky that I didn’t stick around to get candy with my popcorn. The movie was a solid 7.3/10. I was watching and all of a sudden I start to hear whispering, then look down and aFACE IS IN MY POPCORN! I don’t scream because it’s a good part but then later I start seeing this white figure smear across the walls. He smells of old leather. Then the floors opened up and I fell into the fiery pits of hell. Luckily I survived and my popcorn was only a little charred.

    Posted 7/5/20

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  • scary as could be

    i went there one day with my friends on a friday night to watch a movie. one of my friends told me to turn around and there was a figure standing in the projection room. do not ever go upstairs, it is extremely haunted up there.

    Posted 11/7/18

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  • Extremely Scary

    This movie theater gave me the creeps, as soon as you walk in you get the feeling of wanting to leave. Me and my friend went a while ago to watch Moana. During the movie my friend Owen felt burning on his back, so he turned around and looked at his back, he had 3 scratches going from his ribs to his spine. we then were walking out of the movie theater when I heard a voice whisper "Leave" in my hear. By then We ran out of the theater and never came back. BTW my name is Maverick.

    Posted 10/24/17

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    3 out of 5 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 6/24/2016 (3196 days ago)

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