Tunnelton Tunnel - Tunnelton IN Real Haunted Place

- Tunnelton, IN
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- (40 reviews)
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- Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses, Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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An apparition of a man with a decapitated head is believed to exist here. Witnesses have heard screams with rumors that there was a graveyard atop the tunnel and when construction was happening bodies fell through to the tunnel. The ghostly man is said to wander with a lantern in one hand, and his head in the other.
Another local legend says a family was killed long ago when their horse and buggy crashed into the river down the hill. People have reported hearing the screams of the ghostly family.
A third story surrounds a former cemetery that sits above the tunnel. Rumors say that a construction worker was cutting into the tunnel when caskets fell through. This is another reason as to why so many could have spotted eerie activity here.
Henry Dixon - An additional story about the tunnel includes the murder of Henry Dixon, whose body was supposedly brought to the tunnel to be destroyed when a train came plowing through. Locals believe Dixon's spirit lingers at the tunnel.

Source: w.marsh via Flickr

Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesBike breaks before reaching tunnel
In March of 2023 I decided to visit this tunnel on my motorized bicycle. I took trips on my motorbike a lot and was always interested in exploring the country near Mitchell. Since this tunnel was only 8 miles from my house on Stonington Rd, I was like why not? So that afternoon I filled my 80cc two stroke bike's gas tank full and headed out. It was a cold sunny day. It took 30 minutes to get to the gravel road 1 mile before the tunnel. I hesitated before proceeding down the bumpy road because my bikes gas tank was mounted delicately on the back and I knew that it could fly off. Nevertheless I went on, I was really excited to check it out. About three quarters of the way down suddenly basket on the back of my bike flew off with the gas tank and tools in it. I was very angry and anxious because I was now 8 miles from home. My tools were scattered and I had lost most of my gas, the gas tank was gravity fed and I could not mount it so it could feed the engine again. I headed back home preparing for a long walk. After a mile I reached the bridge that crosses the river and rolled my bike off to get it started. Fortunately I made it up the big hill and got back home with the gas tank in my lap. Not a ghost story, but I hoped you enjoyed reading.
Posted 3/6/243 out of 14 found this review helpful
Scary, but uneventful
I went in with my parents at around 10 Pm one day. It was dark, foggy, and misty; perfect for spooky-ness. We didn't have any expensive equipment or anything, just a few flashlights. The tunnel was mostly uneventful. There was a few shotgun shells, rusty lighters, and fireworks lying around; which was scary, just not for paranormal reasons. There was also plenty of graffiti which I thought was funny, but not everybody has the same childish sense of humor as me, so if that's not your thing I wouldn't go. The tunnel had essentially zero paranormal things going on, or at least nothing that I noticed. The only thing that truly scared me was, while we were leaving, we saw a very bright flash light chase us from around the bend in the tracks. Never saw who it was, but they were running fast. They almost caught up to us too. It was probably just locals that had trail cams and were tired of all the trespassing. Overall, pretty fun and easy hike, and only slightly illegal!
Posted 3/2/241 out of 1 found this review helpful
Pretty cool.
We had a group of 7 people. We were divided into 2 cars but the entire time there it was a very heavy nervous feeling and when we got to the off road gravel drive there was lightning and everything overall was a bit weird. One of my friends and I prayed in the car on the way because of this paranoia we had. While we were there, there wasn't much paranormal stuff happening. The EMP spiked a bit at the end but that could mean a number of different things. I read about a family crashing their buggy near the tunnel a long time ago and many stories of crashed nearby and on the way our car swerved because of all the dust being stirred up from our friends driving in front of us. I also heard stories about there being a graveyard above the tunnel and then building or doing maintenance on it and bodies either hanging or falling down from the top. Although we didn't see this one of the group members made a joke about it without knowing the history or stories. Although we didn't witness much first hand I think the few coincidences were a little creepy.
Posted 5/14/232 out of 3 found this review helpful
Posted 1/30/233 out of 4 found this review helpful
In broad daylight
My experience took place in about 2000. I was with my boyfriend at the time. It was summer time and we went in broad daylight. As we are getting to the tunnel there are a few people leaving. So we have the place to ourselves. Or so we think. As we get inside the tunnel we notice someone at the other end is undoubtedly walking towards us. No big deal. It’s a popular place. As we are walking and talking I keep watching this person walk towards us, but by the time they should be meeting up with us and passing by us they were gone. I never saw them turn around and walk the direction from where they came and I certainly did not see them exit the tunnel. My bf and I looked at each other and wondered where they went. We realized there was no way of explaining what had just happened and decided it was time to leave.
Posted 1/22/231 out of 2 found this review helpful
My 3 experiences at tunnelton tunnel
I live approximately 25-30minutes from this tunnel and as a kid growing up I remember some people throughout the years would talk about it but I can only remember them saying it was supposedly haunted no stories though it was just “haunted” well anyways The very 1st time I had ever went out here was actually on Halloween morning I believe it was either the year 2014 or 2015 I had been hanging out with my cousin that day and 2 of his roommates it was actually one of the boys birthday and with me at the time being the only one with a car to drive anywhere we all decided to go cruise we were on the search of this place none of us knowing how to actually get there we just knew somewhat where it was we had somehow ended up in bedford instead gps wasn’t something we had back then lol anyways we stopped at a gas station to get gas and some sodas as the cashier is handing me my receipt I ask her if she knew where tunnelton tunnel is she said we weren’t that far from it she made us a little map and we then proceeded to follow it we finally arrived there was a little pull off on the edge of the road where I pulled over at with my headlights still on I noticed there was a trail in front of us I then decided to drive my car as far up that trail as I could and I did but the big rocks and the trees being so close together I only got my car a few feet up the trail I then shut the car off we all looked at each other and was ready to experiment this place we got out and it was a pretty decent night we all had short sleeve shirts on but as we began walking up that trail we noticed a big change in the temperature like it got chilly quick and a little breeze of wind we kept walking we reached the top and even though it was really dark out and our flashlights not the brightest we could see the word “big tunnel” we stood there looking at it for maybe 2 minutes then as I was about to walk down to the tracks I noticed my cousin and his 2 roommates take off running down the hill back to my car I stood there for a second thinking wtf are they doing at that moment something in my head told me to run so I did I don’t think I’ve ever ran so fast in my life! They were already in my car when I got to them I jumped in and while they were all freaking out saying drive! Drive get out of here I’m just lost as to why they were all freaking out so I start my car and start backing down the trail and asking them what happened they all said they seen a tall (dark figure) standing behind me which I didn’t obviously see? But I was like no way are you serious and they were like yeah it was literally right behind you! I could tell they were really scared of whatever they had seen? They started giving me chills but I wasn’t really scared as much as they were as I got my car backed up to the little pull off I stopped and was trying to convince them let’s walk back up there I wanna see if I see anything they were saying no they weren’t going back up there I kept saying come on guys let’s just do it but they weren’t giving in about that time as I was looking towards my cousin in the passenger seat I seen what looked to be maybe 2ft tall black figure floating maybe a foot or so off the ground right outside my car on the passenger side I was just staring at it thinking to myself is this really real? I felt like whatever it was knew I seen it and wanted me to see my heart was really pumping I had never in my life witnessed a ghost/spirit whatever you wanna call it I then told them all to look out the passenger side there’s something there I never said what I seen but they seen it too!! We were all really freaking out now and sped out of there as fast as we could once we got back to my cousins we were taking about everything that’s when I asked them what they seen at the end they all described the same little figure I seen so it really made me realize that whatever it was, was definitely real and was the exact same thing I witnessed! That’s my 1st experience going there now granted I have went many other times there since that and hadn’t seen anything but have herd some noises at times. Now I have 2 more stories about this as well I’d like to share so story number 2. Back in 2018 I was telling my buddy about the tunnel I never told him any of my previous experiences and played off to him like I had never even been there I didn’t even tell him it was haunted he had never even herd of it before so we drove out there I pulled over and when I came to a stop he said he had to take a leak so as he was standing outside the car I told him I was gonna turn the car around the other way I then decided to pull a prank on him and I started off down the road driving away I herd him hollering something but couldn’t make out what he had said I drove a little ways down the road less than a mile I then turned around to go back to him as I’m driving back towards him I see him running towards me! I then stopped he’s grabbing the door handle and panicking bad! Saying someone was walking beside him when I left him back there he also stated he seen a station wagon drive by with all women in it wearing white dresses I knew at that moment he had to be telling the truth because he was clueless to this place even being haunted his statements freaked me out I looked at him and said you really seen all that? He said yeah! I was like dude I never seen any cars coming towards me so where did this mysterious station wagon go? It just vanished I then asked him what he seen walking beside him as soon as he said all he could see was something like a dark figure it brought back flashbacks of my 1st time ever going after this 2nd experience with him I am now convinced this place is extremely haunted! Okay now my 3rd story so back in 2020 me and my gf had drove out there to go walk through the tunnel she had been out there several times before we had ever even met but she didn’t ever see anything she said I told her all about my experiences which made her really wanna go again and see if she could witness anything for once! So anyways we get there as we’re sitting in the car I open my door to get out I standing outside the car and look over cause she still hasn’t got out as I looked over at here I seen her in the passenger seat with her head bent down with her hands covering her face I was asking her if she was okay? But she wasn’t answering me I then got back in the car and asked her again still no response I put my arm on her back and started to rub her behind the neck and was saying are you feeling sick honey what’s wrong? She then slowly raised her head up and looked at me but when she looked at me I felt as if it were someone else looking at me and not her if that makes sense? Like she still looked like herself but there was just something different about her eyes and the way she raised her head and gave me this stare it was starting to freak me out I didn’t know at this point if I should get out and run or what to do then all of a sudden she lets out a big gasp for air and starts rocking back and forth and shaking and having a panic attack saying she can’t breathe I wasn’t scared of her at this point I was scared of what was happening to her! I finally got her to get her breathing under control she then told me we need to leave now! And said something was in her she could feel it so at this point we were both ready to get out of there as we get down the road before reaching the little tunnel to the left all of a sudden I see a solid black cow with red eyes out of no where it just appeared in front of us it was like I seen my life flash before my eyes I hit my breaks but I knew we were going to still hit it and we did the cow slid onto my good and across the roof as we came to a stop I jumped out looking for this cow and was no where to be seen! We were both panicking about what just happened and now hitting a cow that just vanished! Luckily we weren’t hurt and the car took less damage than I thought it busted the drives side headlight and mirror and cracked part of the windshield we then get back in the car to finally head home at this point I realize I barely have any brakes! Luckily I was driving a 5speed I just drove very slow and downshifted to slow down even more when needed till this day I have never went to tunnelton I feel like what ever happened with her and being possessed? That night whatever the case was I just feel like something wanted us dead. I am very curious to know if anyone else has had any of this happen when they’ve went?
Posted 1/21/2312 out of 13 found this review helpful
Do Not Go Alone.
As an older single man, I will go on trips around Indiana alone. I’d much rather go with friends, but because I never plan where I am going, I normally decide and go. One day last summer, I headed to this tunnel to take pictures and explore. I don’t believe in the paranormal, nor do I believe in ghosts. So what happened, I really can’t explain. There were two other groups or families exploring as well. I decided to walk through the tunnel. As I am walking inside the tunnel, I hear a train blow it’s whistle followed by the brakes squealing and heard what sounded like the train stopping. I heard someone disembark the train, but obviously did not see a real train. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I could feel myself barely breathing. I looked around when I suddenly heard several people crying. Flashing my light toward the sound, I saw nothing as I kept on hearing the crying. I heard what sounded like a young lady ask someone, “Why? Why? Why?” Ske kept on asking the same question. I smelled the smoke from the train, even though there was not an actual train there. I could feel myself beginning to sweat. Then I saw it. I saw a man holding a lantern and from the light, I saw that his head was smashed in, and remember seeing blood coming from the corner of his mouth. I could see fear from his eyes. They were wide opened. I turned and started to run. I felt someone pushing me down to the ground. I got back up and ran agai toward the tunnel entrance. I made my mind up then and there to NEVER go to these types of places alone. As I started the car, my hands were trembling.
Posted 1/20/2312 out of 14 found this review helpful
Fun Creepy Place
I had basically the same experience as another commenter. A little over 6 years ago my fiancé and I went here for our first date in October. We walked through the tunnel for a little while and then we decided to leave. We didn’t see anything but I was creeped out. It was my first time going but he had creepy experiences in the past at tunnelton. When we left he was driving too fast and missed our turn, we almost went through the little tunnel, so as he started to back up we went into the ditch. We were stuck and everyone we tried to call couldn’t help us. Luckily a truck full of people came driving by after a while and they were able to pull us out. It’s a great first date story to tell our kids!
Posted 1/19/233 out of 4 found this review helpful
I have been in and all around the tunnel 50 times
I Live 10 minuted from the tunnel. The light many people are refering to is just a green reflective sign onhangung from the wall. (Its a mile marker type sign) Never seen anything weird or scary just a cool place to visit. Turn your flashlights off sissys.
Posted 1/19/239 out of 12 found this review helpful
Not scary at all
It just felt like a was walking in a tunnel with my uncle and brother. I’m pissed off it wasn’t scary. The only “scary” thing that happened is that a little kid noticed my graffiti and yelled out “PORN!” that’s basically it.
Posted 9/25/220 out of 11 found this review helpful
Saw the green lantern!
Not a ghost Hunter, and actually not even someone who wants to experience the paranormal. However, I am interested in small town history, and do documentaries, so went with a friend on Sunday 20 Feb, 2022. It did not end as planned. I filmed Tunnelton’s Guthrie Mansion, old gym, Church, and tiny post office before heading to the tunnel. Had to use Fort Ritner road as water was across the road closer to town. We met a bunch of Mennonite’s that had just walked through and were returning to their vehicles. None older than 20’s. Nice people. We talked briefly and I jokingly asked if they’d experienced anything strange. They hadn’t. And that was just fine with me! So we continued on alone and I setup a tripod in the middle of the tracks to take a wide shot. My friend jokingly said, “You think we’ll see anything?” I just rolled my eyes and hit record. Small rocks started falling from the top left of the portal. It was a little weird, but I figured maybe the soil had been saturated with last weeks rain, frozen, and the melting loosened the rocks. We moved closer to the portal, I took more footage. We went inside and it was unremarkable other than being very cold, like a cave, and I’ve been in many of those doing documentaries. Footage on the monitor was great, captured the old bricks, graffiti, weathered track, and small recesses where I’ve been told teenagers jump into when a train enters the tunnel. We exited the tunnel and took a few selfies for posterity. I had folded the tripod and was about to put my camera away, when my friend said, “What’s that?” In the distance was what looked like a green light. It was a little odd as I didn’t hear anything, just saw a light. No footsteps or other noise. It didn’t look like a flashlight at all, but more the shape of an old-timey kerosene lantern. And it just kind’ve hovered. I stopped in my tracks, unfolded the tripod and quickly hit record. No one was holding that lantern, I’m positive. “I think we’re seeing the legend.” My friend snapped many photos. My footage came out excellent. We saw something, no denying it. But for a fact, we were ready to go!
Posted 2/21/2210 out of 11 found this review helpful
Crazy shit.
Me and my boyfriend and 4 other of my friends decided to go 3 hours to this tunnel from home. Wasn’t bad. I had a panic attack the second time going in. So we left. While standing across the river from the tunnel, we read local stories on the tunnel about crashes and everything that has happened on the way home. Not thinking about anything serious, we decided to go home. We got on the gravel road and my 3 other friends had slid off the road into a ditch that was filled with water and mud. After about 3 hours of waiting cops come and try and help. Tow truck was called to get the truck out, we got it out and we got stuck again..after my friends and boyfriends hand and feet are bleeding after being stuck in the pouring down rain, we finally got home around noon/1pm the next day. There’s something this Tunnel and the surroundings that has made everyone crash and get into these accidents..it’s absolutely nuts and crazy..Please be safe going home..this is no joke.
Posted 12/27/214 out of 5 found this review helpful
Saw something
Me and a couple of friends went one day and I kept turning my head around to look behind me, nothing at first, but the 3rd time I saw a dark tall man with an old fashioned hat appear and walk through the wall on my left. Before that I saw a man's face like he's in his mid 60s for sure. His face appeared and disappeared instantly. Btw, I'm a paranormal investigator. Y'all should also go to the Sparks Ferry Bridge too.
Posted 7/15/214 out of 6 found this review helpful
Tunnelton fun
Me and my friends actually go out here all the time. The first time I went there. I was with my boyfriend and 3 friends. We were all standing still in the dark with no lights. I felt something grab my leg. I screamed and turned on my light. Every now an then. When I’m out their I’ll hear noises throughout the tunnel and see dark figures. But honestly that’s it. It’s just an overall fun place to be
Posted 12/6/202 out of 2 found this review helpful
energy is crazy ,go with a group !
the vibe at night is crazy ! Definitely some creepy stuff has happened there you can feel it although my group and I didn’t experience it we felt the energy especially in the tunnel and at night
Posted 10/8/206 out of 6 found this review helpful
Not the ghost we were worried about!
So my husband, 7 teenagers and I all go and walk into the tunnel where we find a speaker and a purse lying in the middle of the tracks. Then, about 10 yards away in a cut out there were 2 bodies. We walked up to them and was literally 2 feet away before they sit up and say something. The puts his hand under his shirt and we are thinking he was reaching for a gun or something. They tell us to shut our lights off and talk to the "ghost". No thanks I'm not gonna trip over something or not be able to keep my eye on them with all these kids. We went about another 50 yards and decided to turn back. As we get back to where those people were they are gone with a light set to flash ever 10 seconds and recordings coming out of the speaker. We make it to the end of the tunnel and there they are coming back from the direction of our vehicles. Little sketchy I think. The living freaked us out more than any spirits would have.
Posted 9/6/208 out of 9 found this review helpful
Scary tunnelton story
Me and my friends decided it would be fun to go see tunnelton tunnel. On the way there we were fine, but we’ve read a ton of scary stories from here, we’ve seen lots of stories about car crashes here so we were kinda scared. We where fine the whole time there, we met some nice ladies, then we left. We were going down the gravel road we were going about 40, that’s kinda fast for a gravel road but anyways all the sudden my girlfriend swerved back and forth about two times (we almost hit a tree) right before this happened my friend clicked her seatbelt, and when it happened my other friend in the back got hit with a small rock that came in the window (she was fine but really scary) we stopped for a little and talked about what just happened, my friend in the front seat said she saw a news paper flash in her head about 5 teens dying in a Jeep that flipped (us) we believe her 100% she never lies. We went on back home, we were by the part were you turn right and go under the little mini tunnel, well my girlfriend passed it, no biggie we will just back up right? Well we were about an inch close to falling off the bridge into the water below we immediately all got out of the jeep (grand Cherokee) the jeep was at a slant we didn’t know what to do, but then a lady in a pedo van came around the corner. She stopped and asked if we needed help, we said yes please, she hopped out of her van like a bad a$$ and lit a cig and said “I remember when I was y’alls age, she hopped up in the jeep and said “is it fine if I smoke in here?” We said yes do whatever you want lmao. She got the jeep right out of that situation, we thanked her very much and headed home again, we stopped at the gas station, I got out and heard air. The tire was flattening. We were at that gas station till 2 am, lucky my friend took auto body and know lots of guys to call in situations like this haha. When we all finally got home we talked it over tons of times, my girlfriend told me there was a stop sign and that’s why she tried to stop (but swerved) right after she told me that I was shocked, I saw no stop sign there, 2 other of our friends said they didn’t see it either but our other friend in the car said she did we were so confused. We really want to go back and see if there is a stop sign but we are just too scared, idk why the jeep swerved like that it was crazy for the speed we were going, I get we were on gravel but it just felt so weird you know? Like something made that happen... I mean after all we did read about people dying in crashed there and all the crazy ghost stories.
Posted 6/23/206 out of 8 found this review helpful
Unexplained sound
I filmed a documentary at this place about it's dark history. While there, our camera picked up a sound that sounded like a gunshot that came from the tunnel. What is crazy is that we didn't hear this while filming; it wasn't until we were editing the film that we realized what we captured. While investigating inside the tunnel, I EVEN SMELLED GUNPOWDER! I did research and found out that the mafia used the tunnel to execute their rivals during the 1920's. Did we witness a residual haunting? I included this experience in my documentary: (copy and paste into URL) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovzG9IsgbZc&t=64s
Posted 5/28/205 out of 5 found this review helpful
Enjoyed the adventure
Some friends and I went out around midnight one night. We walked all the way through the tunnel just fine. Took some pictures at the end and then made our way back through. Nothing weird happened on the way through but on the way back we kept hearing noises like rocks being thrown behind us. It also got super chilly and none of us noticed it on our way through the first time. Wind was blowing in the tunnel but no wind was blowing outside the tunnel. It was weird. Not sure if it’s haunted or not but it’s still pretty creepy. I recommend checking it out even if just for the adventure.
Posted 5/14/205 out of 5 found this review helpful
My fave place
With me living not even 30 minutes a way from here I always like going here.... June 9th 2019 has gave me a new experience in the tunnel that I never had... yes late at night's you see someone with a light and family screaming and stuff Bing thrown at you're vehicle.. but yesterday wasn't the same me and my aunt and boyfriend decided to walk through it since my S.O has never been and we get half way through it just coming back from other side and you get this feeling of being pushed like you wasn't getting out fast enough... And out of my 22 times of being out there this has never happend
Posted 6/10/193 out of 3 found this review helpful
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