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Wheeler-Stokely Mansion - Real Haunted Place

  • 3200 Cold Spring Rd.
  • Indianapolis, IN
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Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Places
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The Wheeler-Stokely Mansion in Indianapolis dates back to 1912. The mansion has had multiple owners, including William Stokely and Frank Wheeler. The historic home sits on 8 acres and features an Arts and Crafts style architecture. The mansion is rumored to be haunted by a woman with brown hair who likes to run out the door to get into what is assumed to be a carriage. Some also claim to have seen a man walking his dog and others have reported the feeling of someone trying to push them off the dog walk.
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  • Marian University? More like Scary-an University

    This place is terrifying. I tried to run away and tripped in a hole in the grass and then almost got hit by a student speeding in their car. Thank goodness they added speed bumps! After that, I tried to take refuge in the library but ended up being dragged out by the ankles by Frank (the original owner of the mansion). He brought me back to the dog walk where he commanded me put a hammock up or face expulsion.

    Posted 4/23/22

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,424
Last edit to this listing: 6/1/2021 (1393 days ago)

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