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Allegheny Airlines Flight 853 Crash Site - Fairland IN Haunted Place

  • Near Shady Acres Park
  • Fairland, IN
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In 1969, a plane crash killed 83 people. At the scene of the accident, body parts were scattered around and had to be buried over. EVP's can now be detected in the area as well as strange light anomalies in photos.
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  • I was TOUCHED

    My cousin and I recently went to the field where the plane had crashed. We were there about 3am and started to hear footsteps in the distance... we turned around and saw nothing with our flashlights. We repeatedly got grouped by things that were not visable. I kept having "Seth is here" whispered into my ear as we sat in the field.

    Posted 10/28/24

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  • Lived on land- Hauntings

    I lived in this area where my parents built a new house. Immediately we had several instances of hauntings. My sister had an apparition speak to her while visiting during the construction. It was male in older 60s/70s style clothing. We always heard footsteps downstairs, electronics acting weird, being touched and feeling as if your bed was shaking. I had an experience in the basement while trying to get my cat. I heard a male voice say don't worry I won't hurt you. I later found out that was what this aparition had told my sister and her boyfriend. I didn't see anything but none of the men were home. I ran upstairs and didn't want to go to the basement again. You constantly felt like you were being watched. Nothing felt dark, it just felt like something was curious. After we moved we had several neighbors say they had experiences in their house as well.

    Posted 10/11/24

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  • I was there

    It was a nice day on September 9 1969 and i was only 8 years old and was riding home on my friends bus ,as we were good friends and stayed at each others house from time to time.Well we were just starting to turn into shady acres to drop kids off there and after that we would go to london where my friend lived.As we turned in to the drive we were abruptly stopped for some reason and at 8 years old you don't know what carnage is and you don't know that many people just died and what is that red stuff on the bus glass and what are those tires that just bounced in front of us. But, years later and now i realize ,that i was almost killed by the nose gear and tires from flight 853.Also i remember the driver saying just stay on the bus,when we asked him what was wrong. It is a good thing i was 8 when this happened ,as i would have been scared and shook up about the real effects of this crash,having known what had just happened. I will always remember this day for the rest of my life,even though i was only 8.

    Posted 4/28/18

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  • Nothing that i saw

    I could feel a little something spooky but i couldnt differentiate if it was a haunting or trailer park meth heads trying to spook me. My uncles property backs up to this one and he said he has seen things in the field, but i didn't see anything.

    Posted 9/4/17

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    6 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 3/25/2016 (3288 days ago)

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