
Carolina Street Demon House - Gary IN Real Haunt

  • Near 3868 Carolina Street
  • Gary, IN
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People have said this haunted house is where children were seen levitating and where other ghostly events occured. It is believed demons possessed the three chidren that lived in the house.
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  • want to see it

    I want to go see it

    Posted 12/14/19

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  • Two Demon Houses?

    The demon house I know of was in Gary, Indiana a few miles from Merrillville, Indiana. It was demolished after several alleged horrific paranormal events. It was located on Jackson Street, I believe. Both towns are in Lake County, but the Gary house seems to have been the more demonic.

    Posted 9/17/19

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  • No longer there

    This house got tore down a few years ago.

    Posted 7/22/19

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  • 2421 W. 57th Ave. Merrillville In

    Family and I lived there for several years. The first home purchased and sold by my parents. A lot of ghostly figures were seen by my family, mostly in the basement of the home. The house was extremely eerie. Was previously owned by a doctor and his wife and his widow decided to move to a condo once the husband passed on. Vibe in the home was always haunting. My grandmother came from overseas to live with us and after a week in the back wooden room, she told me to please stay out of there and she could no longer live in the home. We took her back overseas after her fear of being in the home. My father went downstairs and came up with tears in his eyes and begged us not to go in the basement-he seen something there. My baby sister seen a man near the living room area and front door. My brother woke up screaming and his bed was being shaken violently. I really doubt this home will ever have a lifetime tenant. The original owner seems to still lurk there.

    Posted 7/4/18

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  • Demon house demolished

    Was demolished years ago...

    Posted 10/6/16

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    8 out of 11 found this review helpful

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Visitors to this page: 12,983
Last edit to this listing: 12/27/2015 (3376 days ago)

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