
Stallbohm-Kaske House - Real Haunted Place

  • 1154 Ridge Rd.
  • Munster, IN
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Real Haunted Houses
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Locals say that the original inn that once stood in this location was burned down on Halloween of 1909. Resident Wilhelmina Kaske passed away in 1949 in a front bedroom. Many believe that these two incidents may be the reason for today's hauntings. Witnesses have reported seeing a figure of some sort, leaning out of the barn window, a presence in the bedroom, footsteps, crashing sounds and cold spots. One employee even reported being doused with paint while he was trying to paint over the wallpaper in the hallway. This location was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1998 and is currently owned by the town of Munster.
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  • Barn Burning

    As of today, August 23, 2024, the hefty Rough Sawn and Hand Hewn wood barn is no more due to a fire. I think that it was burned down one year ago, but that needs to be verified by the Munster Fire Department.

    Posted 8/23/24

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  • Ghosts

    One night me and my wife where at the house doing a investigation when i seen red eyes looking back at me from the second floor window we also have cought big white balls of lights on night vison camera's also my wife was in the gazebo asking questions with a evp recorder by her self and got a very load growl when she asked if anyone was with her in the gazebo

    Posted 8/29/20

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 7,009
Last edit to this listing: 3/25/2016 (3287 days ago)

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