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Hanover Cemetery - Hanover IN Real Haunt

  • Lowery Lane
  • Hanover, IN
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  (1 review)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Those that have visited this cemetery have reported feelings of unexplained nausea and chills. Some thing it may be related to the grave of Benjamin Bennett, who is believed to have drowned in the Ohio River (although his body was never found).
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  • I been there once...

    I am a member of a group that looks up & photographs gravestones for family members that don't live near the area for ancestry purposes. I got a request for a stone that is at this cemetery. I decided to go about 7am on a Saturday morning. I have been doing this for a couple years now, but my 1st time at this location. So going alone is nothing unusual for me. I always go during early morning hours or dusk for best natural night for the picture of the stone & less direct sunlight to make seeing the stone better with the least amount of shadows. As I got out of my car, and started walking through the stones looking for the one I needed I was getting a feeling like I was being watched. Looking around at the neighboring houses and around the stones, I saw no one around. I continued about my business but feeling uncomfortable & uneasy. I finally found the stone & took a few photos. Once I was done I decided to be respectful & take the shortest route to the gravel drive & walk to my car by the path provided. As I got to the gravel path, I felt the need to turn around and look to see if someone was behind me again, but no one was there. I started walking to my car & I heard footsteps in the gravel being me like someone was following... again, I turned around and again, no one was there. I finally said "Look, I'm only here to look for a family members stone & take a photo of it to help them track their family heritage. I mean no trouble or disrespect & I don't want anyone to follow me home. You're not welcome". I turned towards my car and walked even faster. The footsteps stopped, but the feeling of being watched was still there. I left and haven't been back since.

    Posted 10/21/17

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,175
Last edit to this listing: 3/25/2016 (3287 days ago)

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