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Markle Mill - Old Mill Dam - Real Haunts in Terre Haute IN

  • Mill Dam Rd.
  • Terre Haute, IN
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Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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This mill was the longest operating gristmill east of the Mississippi River and it is believed to be have been part of the Underground Railroad. Today, all that remains of the original structure that was built in 1816 are the dam and parts of the foundation. A ghostly girl has been seen on the grounds and is believed to have been someone who died while using the now-closed underground tunnels.
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  • My time living in markl

    I was 10 living in a house across the street for the dam and lived there for a bit. Long time passes I kept seeing shadows thinking it is a illusion as I walk into the cabin with my cousin when she stayed the night we walked in and a rocking chair was all alone and my cousin got scared and ran out claiming she had saw someone as we ran out I saw a clearly little girl in the distance. Till this day I’m scared to sleep at night I’m glad I had moved

    Posted 12/26/23

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  • Fake haunt

    I lived in Burnett indiana my entire life and ive never heard this story! Someone made that story up

    Posted 9/14/22

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  • R


    Posted 5/16/20

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  • Old Mill Dam

    My mom, step dad, the guy i was with and his little sister and i we went to the old mill dam on halloween night. The guy i was with was telling me about the little girl that was killed on the railroad tracks. We was all going to get out but me and his sister was to scared to so my mom, his sister and i stayed in the car. I was in the back seat behind the passenger. As my step dad and my at the time boyfriend went down there to try and get her to say something i hear a little girl scream in the distance and i was by the road. I hurried and closed my door so fast and the next thing i know they are running back to the car. His sister and i were the only ones that heard the little girl scream. At first i thought it was them trying to play a joke on us but they said they didn’t even hear anything either.

    Posted 4/10/20

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Visitors to this page: 6,902
Last edit to this listing: 3/25/2016 (3287 days ago)

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