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Vigo County Historical Museum - Real Haunts in Terre Haute IN

  • 1411 S. 6th St.
  • Terre Haute, IN
  • (812) 235-9717
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This museum was once used as a halfway house and was formerly known as the Sage Mansion. The front staircase is known to be a hot spot for orbs and there is a small mist that has been seen as well. There has also been reports of a crib that is located upstairs in an area that is closed to visitors, has moved on its own.
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  • Town local

    I lived next door to it for a bit I'm in my mid 30s now I remember the school taking us as well. Try looking in the windows from your apartment next door all through it the night waiting and wondering. And some legend of a car that used to be stuck in there at night

    Posted 1/20/23

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  • Field Trip Haunt

    I went on a field trip here as a young child. I didn't know anything about the house or its history. To be quite honest I was in so much la la land most of the time I don't even think I knew what the field trip was for LOL. Anyway, we went into the building and I instantly felt very..heavy? Like I was carrying a weight above me. We went into the basement and it became more intense. We sat there as a class doing orientation with the curators and I became physically ill. Not only was I getting nauseous and hot but, again, that weird heavy feeling. We eventually left the basement and toured the place, and I felt slightly better after getting out of that basement. But I still felt weird. The moment we stepped outside I felt free again. I remember getting on the bus and looking back at the house and thinking "that was weird" and I even wondered to myself if it was haunted. I honestly never really gave this much more thought until recently, when it came up in passing that the place was haunted or that it was used as a halfway house (which seems to validate my weird feelings). I had no idea. This was more than 20 years ago. It makes sense now! And for the record, I was not claustrophobic and didn't suffer from anxiety or anything like that.

    Posted 1/6/21

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  • No doubt that this place is haunted

    Haven’t been here in quite a few years, but I grew up only a block or so away from this place, and when I was little my older brother would take me here all of the time because of how much we both loved it. We always got a strange vibe when roaming around this museum, and we’d often see and hear things when not many others were around. We’ve seen several shadows on the staircases, in the basement, and several other areas in the building. I’d even seen some objects move slightly, occasionally. There’s no doubt tho this place is haunted, which makes me love it even more!!

    Posted 5/15/20

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: (812) 235-9717

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Clicks to Website: 376
Last edit to this listing: 3/30/2016 (3282 days ago)

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