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O'Neal Bridge - Holiday Drive Bridge - Real Haunt in Zionsville IN

  • Holiday Rd.
  • Zionsville, IN
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Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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The O'Neal Bridge, also known as the Holiday Drive Bridge, dates back to around 1892 and was restored in 2008-2009. According to reports, the bridge may no longer be in use but legends say the location is haunted. Stories say there was a KKK lynching that took place here, which is why many believe the grounds are haunted. Witnesses have reported hearing disembodied screams at random hours.
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  • A good spot

    We used to throw huge parties out there in the 80s and 90's. Always a fun time.

    Posted 3/13/24

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  • Still accessible via Turkeyfoot Nature Park

    Unfortunately a new housing development has destroyed all the nature and farm land that was surrounding the bridge to build a golf course and expensive homes, but you can still get to it from the park for now.

    Posted 3/2/23

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Holy crap

    Went here as a teen many times in the day time, car wouldn't always start back up first try otherwise it was always reliable. We decided to try and go late night/early morning. It was a perfectly clear summer night as we rounded the turn and the bridge came into view a fog rolled in from the surrounding woods so thick we could barely see. Hundreds maybe thousand of rabbits started running both ways across the road we couldn't back up due to visibility so we had to continue across the bridge. As we made it to the other side there was a figure floating at thebedge of the road kind of bluish and disappearing below the knees. As we got maybe 100 feet from the bridge the fog rolled back out in reverse and the night was clear again.

    Posted 5/13/21

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  • Holiday Road is no more

    Off the entrance to Holiday road is where I used to get to the bridge all the time.... but now there is a new gated community to the south of the road called, "Holiday Farms", with security. My guess is the bridge is still there but from the other side - from Zionsville side of it. But with the road gone from Michigan road... I don't know how it's going to be. When I was in high school this was always a scary, but fun road, to turn down and take everyone to the OLD O'Neal Bridge. Since then, the bridge has been rebuilt (because a tractor drove over it and made it fall). So it's not as scary anymore... but the history is still there for sure. I tried going this past Saturday, October 24, 2020... and that's when I learned of the road closed and the new gated community. Plan to try and go the back way and see what's left of the road and the bridge.

    Posted 10/26/20

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  • Can’t really get there

    As of May 2020 both sides of the road are blocked off. Which doesn’t make sense because people live back there and how are they gonna get out? Btw the bridge has been repaired.

    Posted 5/15/20

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • It was ok

    I went their for the first time in 2010 and we had I guess some questionable photos but that was it. Went back in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018, and 2019 and nothing else happened.

    Posted 5/12/20

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Scary as hell

    some friends and I went out late at night to check the bridge out bc we had heard the rumors of it being haunted. We got to woods before the bridge and decided to walk there didn't even make it 20 yards into the woods when we heard screams, leaves rustling, tree branches breaking and it was windy in front of us. But behind us everything was calm. Went decided to leave the woods and go to the bridge where we also heard screams of children. A friend that was with us shouted a racial slur(to test a theory) and was scratched on his back . When we went to leave the area randomly the car we was in got a flat. There was no signs of damage to the tire. We got into a gas station to change the tire and there was Childrens handprints all over the car.

    Posted 4/15/20

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Scary as hell

    some friends and I went out late at night to check the bridge out bc we had heard the rumors of it being haunted. We got to woods before the bridge and decided to walk there didn't even make it 20 yards into the woods when we heard screams, leaves rustling, tree branches breaking and it was windy in front of us. But behind us everything was calm. Went decided to leave the woods and go to the bridge where we also heard screams of children. A friend that was with us shouted a racial slur(to test a theory) and was scratched on his back . When we went to leave the area randomly the car we was in got a flat. There was no signs of damage to the tire. We got into a gas station to change the tire and there was Childrens handprints all over the car.

    Posted 4/15/20

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

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Visitors to this page: 7,535
Last edit to this listing: 3/25/2016 (3287 days ago)

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