• Indiana Edition •



Indiana's Haunted Hospitals & Asylums

For many, abandoned asylums, and closed down hospitals are some of the spookiest Real Haunts in STATE. Empty hospitals are eerie on their own, but even moreso when you consider that spirits of the departed could be lurking around any corner, and haunting the hallways of the hospital they once called home. Hospitals and Asylums are often considered hot spots for paranormal activity, since countless people pass on in those facilities, often times unexpectedly, which is one explanation for why many spirits still linger there, rather than crossing over. If you're looking for a truly paranormal experience, check out one of STATE's Haunted Hospitals or Asylums - but be prepared to encounter the unexpected!
  • Central State Hospital Indianapolis, IN
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    • 39,105
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    • 4
    • Rating:
    • 4.4 / 5
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    • 18

    This psychiatric treatment hospital opened in 1848 and can be found on Tibbs Avenue, Washington Street, Warman Avenue, and Vermont Street. Complex buildings in the area housed mentally ill patients including the criminally insane. There were even two castle-like buildings built, called the Seven Gables as well as gardens, fountains, and fine landscaping to offer patients a pleasant... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums | Real Haunted Museums

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