
Hays Cemetery - Wilkinson IN Real Haunted Places

  • 675E and 900N
  • Wilkinson, IN
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Also know as Main Street Cemetery, reports say bodies were dug up to use for santanic rituals. It is believed to be home to a "devil's child." On her grave is a plant that grows in the shape of a pitchfork and people have reported sightings of apparitions in the area. Most of the areas is on private property.
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  • i Scary place

    Me & my friends went last week, in the day .we was using the Spirit box , on is graves 0witches graves, The Spirit box at the Spirit said friend Caroline‘s name then five minutes later it said my name in few minutes later it said my last name and my last name is Hays I was scared

    Posted 5/1/21

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  • There’s something wrong with this place

    I’ve lived in Indiana my whole life and didn’t even know about Hays until a couple years ago. My friends and I went to hang out, not knowing the story at all. Nothing scary happened, we left and I didn’t return until April of this year. My best friend and I returned countless times, even making this our regular “spot”. A couple times we noticed things out of the ordinary, but nothing to make us worry too much about it. Folding chairs left on the trail, new trash left by other people. We even though there was a new headstone. But one day I went alone, waiting for my friends to meet up with me. I sat on a headstone and waited until I heard a cat meowing in the surrounding woods. I went in trying to call to it, lure it out, but I couldn’t seem to catch up to it, it just kept moving farther away. Then it just abruptly stopped. It gave me an uneasy feeling but I figured it was just a stray cat gone too far. But the next time we went back was the last time we went and I refuse to ever go back again after what happened. My friend and I went to Hays and sat on the headstones to eat Taco Bell (don’t get mad like I said this was our designated hang out spot). But we kept getting swarmed by bees so we decided to sit somewhere else, closer to the meadow by the road. I was talking to my friend but stopped when I heard sharp loud sounds coming from in front of me. Then something hit the dirt right beside me, then a headstone. I realized the sounds were coming from a gun, whether close to us or far away I’m still not sure. And what was hitting the ground next to me were bullets. I yelled at her to run and we ran to my car, both of us swearing on our lives that another bullet flew right in front of our faces into the trees. We jumped in the car and went as fast as we could without tipping my car on the slope. I’m not sure what it was, I’m still not sure to this day. But something isn’t right with Hays cemetery. Whether it’s angry owners, stupid kids trying to scare some teenage girls or something otherworldly I have no idea. You don’t have to believe anything I said but be cautious if you ever decide to venture into Hays cemetery.

    Posted 10/7/20

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  • Beware of the locals

    My cousin and I went there and were chased off by a guy in a truck. I believe the cemetery is built on cursed land. According to the histories, numerous people during the pioneers times had mysterious deaths with unexplained causes. You can view our experience here:

    Posted 9/21/20

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  • Very active

    I went to this cemetery a few years ago late at night and IMO it was very active. I’ve done ghost hunting for years and this was by far the most active place I had ever been. You have to look for the road to turn on to, to find it as there are no signs posted. When we first got there we noticed the bridge that is right past the road to turn on. We parked and got out on the bridge and I heard a yell of some sort come from the direction of the cemetery. Once we entered the cemetery I had a bad feeling which I usually do not get. My son and ex husband were with me and they both said they felt like they were touched after only being there a few minutes. I found the grave that was said to look like a pitchfork but to me it didn’t look like one although it did have long vines with thorns growing from it. I asked whatever spirits were there to give me a sign and right after saying that there was a scream. It sounded like a woman. I was also recording at the time and you can hear it clearly on the audio. When we were getting ready to leave I picked up a rock and said “throw this rock back” and I threw it. It was very dark but a rock landed right at my feet like it was thrown back. We left right after that. I did go back recently in the day and it seemed completely different.. no bad vibes or activity. If you go I’d definitely go later into the night considering the spirits were more active at that time.

    Posted 5/2/20

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  • bad energy

    about 4 of my really closests friends went out there one night and when they got there there was already a group of 2 people there as my friends exicited the car and began to walk around they all heard including the other 2 people a other worldly demonic screech that they say changed pitches and even became unauditable it was so intense that my friends have all suffered mental trauma and ptsd from that experience and that was over 10 years ago

    Posted 3/3/20

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  • It is haunted

    I wasn’t quite sure about this place but when we were out there we didn’t see much but when we were driving to leave we saw these two eyes peep at us and go back in the woods. No animal looks like that. It was the scares thing I’ve ever seen. Don’t go alone it’s scary and when you go by the little girls grave you get an uneasy feeling. Bring sage with you!

    Posted 8/26/19

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  • Location

    Lat: 39.92 Long: -85.6816 Went during the day, nothing really happened. Heard a couple noises. We also went at 2 pm, so that was expected.

    Posted 8/7/19

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  • No Ghosts, just History and histrionics

    Old cemetery on private property has history, but there are no ghosts. Same silly stories are spread about cemeteries all around the world. Grow up, be respectful and redirect your melodramatic histrionics into positive and constructive behavior.

    Posted 11/13/18

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    1 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Hays Cemertry or Main Street Cemertry

    cant find it what is the address

    Posted 10/25/18

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  • Hays Cemertry or Main Street Cemertry

    We went looking for the Hays Cemetery or Main stre Fet cemetery in Wilkinson, Indiana and there is no such place talked to 2 different people There was a lady we spoke to that has lived there since she was in 4th grade she is now 82 has no idea the address we have for it in the Place where City Hall is now Found a Harlan Cemetery that has a few Hays in it not the right one do you have another address for it Going to Greenfield to look up records My Grandmother was a HAYS

    Posted 10/25/18

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  • Beware of the crazy lady and her two sons!! Yes they are alive

    Boyfriend and I went one night to see the grave with the pitch fork growing over it. As we got there we missed the lane to turn on so we had turn around and come back. We stopped to talk to another group of people looking for the same thing. So we decided to go as a group. As we head back to the cemetery we are followed in by cops. Keep in mind there are no postings about it being private property or no trespassing therefore, to the naked eye it is open to the public. As we go up the hill,we are stopped by a lady and her two sons. They had called the cops and specifically said we had harassed her and wouldn't leave. We were not harassing her due to the county road being public property we turned around on and that was thefirst time we say her and he sons as we drove up the hill. Therefore, we were not hatassing. So just keep in mind at night there is a real - living crazy lady and her two sons that sit up on the hill in the cemetery and tell the cops she is being harassed if we feels they are driving too slow or they turn around.

    Posted 6/3/18

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  • be respectful

    some asshats have destroyed parts of the cemetery but it is a very peaceful place. I went for the first time when i was like 15 trying to see a ghost but now its not as hidden or spooky as it used to be which is good so people dont harm it as much. It is a pretty place and definitely has spiritual energy to it but if you go, please be respectful and dont litter.

    Posted 6/2/18

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  • Don't Go Alone

    Been there numerous times via automobile and Harley rides. The cemetery is rather isolated and I would suggest taking a friend with you. There has been a lot of damage done to this cemetery by vandals - truly horrible. My car went dead parked in this cemetery - took hours to get a wrecker to haul it away - my cell phone would not get out until I was on CR 675? It was fully charged but wouldn't work back at the cemetery? I took photos and when I uploaded them there was an image of a dove in motion that wasn't there when I took the photo? Spooky place at night, YES - haunted, well, maybe? I saw no ghosts and my advice is if you do see any ghosts, don't waste your bullets, they're already dead! Just be aware of your surroundings and you will enjoy your visit to this old cemetery. I found it to be kind of spooky in a peaceful, quiet way. I did enter some of the graves on Find A Grave that had not been registered previously. However, the vandalism to this cemetery made me sick - SO disrespectful of the dead and of private property. Good luck and happy trails.

    Posted 1/31/18

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  • Don't think it's haunted

    We went and nothing really happened something was growling and some sticks broke nothing really more the next day i was sick however before the cemetery I was in perfect health

    Posted 8/26/17

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Visitors to this page: 7,836
Last edit to this listing: 12/27/2015 (3376 days ago)

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