
Robin Hill - Real Haunts in Mount Vernon IN

  • 917 Mill St.
  • Mount Vernon, IN
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This historic home is rumored to have been part of the Underground Railroad and stood empty for quite some time. Some reports say the home is still empty and currently up for sale. Either way, if sold, the location is a private residence. Witnesses have reported seeing shadowy figures here and have heard toilets flush on their own, along with other eeire sounds in the night.
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  • Robin Hill Horror

    The only real horror of this house is the contractor who gutted a beautifully restored home and modernized everything.

    Posted 10/11/24

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  • Definitely Haunted

    I've been here many times since the mid 80's. I've had multiple experiences. I've seen curtains move, door close on their own and even seen a Raggedy Anne doll move across the room. We walked into a bedroom and there was a Raggedy Anne doll sitting in a rocking chair. That alone startled us. We swung the flashlight to turn to leave and heard a creak behind us. We sung the light back and the doll was laying on the bed! needless to say we left in a hurry after that! It's since been bought and fixed up. Last I heard it was on the market. Would be a neat place to own.

    Posted 9/16/20

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,571
Last edit to this listing: 3/25/2016 (3287 days ago)

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