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French Lick Springs Hotel - French Lick IN Real Haunt

  • 8670 Indiana 56
  • French Lick, IN
  • 812-936-9300
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This historic hotel was established in 1845, near the mineral springs. The rich and the famous vacationed here. It has since been renovated and re-opened.

There have been many reporting from workers and guests of the hotel of it being haunted, particularly the 6th floor. Haunted experiences have included shadows, breezes, footsteps, and disembodied laughter. There’s also stories of red stain appearing in the guest room bathtub where a bride had committed suicide.
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  • conjoined twins on 7th floor

    I arrived with my family of 23 for a little get away. A small group of us wanted to get a spook and decided to go check out the 7th floor around 11pm. We were not discovering any unsteady feeling and decided to start heading back to our rooms. As we were walking back towards the elevator, the phone on the wall started ringing. My husband picked up the phone and two voices, that sounded like little boys, started talking. They were screaming in terror asking for help. The boys told us that their names were calvin and vaughn. My husband heard them say something but the phone line got disconnected and started to static. we got back to our level and the elevator started buzzing, we got terrified and ran to our rooms. I witnessed a door slam from a random room. I saw a faint vision of two boys. One body, two heads. They disappeared into the room and were never seen by my family again during that trip.

    Posted 7/3/24

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  • I heard someone snoring in my room

    I was sleeping and thought I woke myself up snoring lol! After the 3 rd time I stayed awake, my eyes open, and watching tv but never moved from original position that I was sleeping. Apparently whoever thought I was asleep and started snoring again. I jumped out of bed and lifted the box springs and mattress to check under the boxed in frame to make sure I was alone. I never did find anything afte a very thorough search of the room! I stay here a lot and I’ve experienced more experiences with the ghosts that’s here. I think it’s awesome as long as they’re nice ghosts!!!

    Posted 10/10/23

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • 6th floor shower and hallway creeps

    I was staying at this hotel because I had a dance competition for 7 days !! On my second day there I witnessed something I don’t want to ever again. I was sitting in my hotel room watching my phone and I was alone and then all of the sudden the shower randomly turns on. I did not think much of it until I realized the shower handle had moved. I was so terrified I sat outside of my room for hours before going back in. The fourth night I was there it was about 9:00 pm and then all of the sudden I heard what sounded like a party but nobody was there ? So I decided to go down to the lobby but before I got down there I had stopped at every level on the elevator but nobody was there! Then ones I finally went back up to my room at about 11:00 pm I was heading to bed when all of the sudden my phone rang. I picked it up but nobody was there ? I later found out that it was a call from the 7th floor room above me that was unoccupied.

    Posted 7/1/23

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  • Room 2307

    I stayed there for 2 nights over this last weekend. Our room was right next to a service elevator that seemed to be possessed. It was loud. We initially thought that a family upstairs from us had a bunch of kids that were running down the hall every 5 minutes or so. When this happened literally all night, we concluded that there was a better explanation. That night wasn't too eventful except for my near anxiety attack waking me up around 12:30. The next night was worse. I had a dream that something was trying to flip me over in my bed. I fought with it and had a kind of sleep paralysis as I was laying in bed. I felt a huge hand roll me out of bed and try to pull me under one of the two beds in the room. I stood up, looked down at my girlfriend and got back in bed. I'm not sure if I was actually moving around the room or not. There is more to say but it's too weird to mention...

    Posted 1/25/21

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  • I heard a woman's laughter

    My husband and I stayed at the hotel for 3 nights this past July; I had always wanted to stay there, and I was NOT disappointed--the beauty of the place and the atmosphere were positively mesmerizing! At no time did I ever feel actually afraid, but each night we were there (in a King room on the 4th floor), at about 8 or 8:30 each evening, I heard a woman's laughter--as though she was squealing in delight--, but no other voices or sounds along with it to indicate that there were people in the hall or that it was coming from a room nearby. Again, I did not feel afraid at all--just fascinated by the thought of experiencing the energy of a hotel guest from many years ago!

    Posted 8/29/20

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  • Room on 7th floor was scariest place I’ve ever encountered

    I stayed at this hotel in January 2015 for a 3 day conference I was attending relating to my work. I stayed in a room on the 7th floor. From the moment I got out of the elevator, walked to my room and opened the door I felt petrified. I’ve never felt fear like it before or since. As soon as I got into my room I was on edge, there was a presence like something was in the room with me. The bathroom was at the far side of the room and I couldn’t even get up the courage to enter it or even look inside. Obviously I had to when I needed to wash etc and I was in a blond panic, my heart was racing out of my chest. The whole place felt vile. I stayed for 3 nights and didn’t sleep at all during the stay. I also didn’t even undress or take off my boots during the night. Sometime during the 3rd night I was so frightened by the feeling that someone was there and I was crying at this point through terror, I literally couldn’t take the oppressive feeling any more so I ran out into the corridor only to find that the feeling was 10 times worse so I ran back into the room. When I checked out at the end of my stay I asked one of the girls on reception if the place was haunted and they all just kind of looked at each other as she said “no, we’ve never heard anything about it being haunted” Obviously staff are told to say that. I will never ever step foot in that place ever again, not even if you paid me. Something very horrible was on that 7th floor and in that room with me

    Posted 2/19/20

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    8 out of 8 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: 812-936-9300

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Visitors to this page: 9,124
Clicks to Website: 729
Last edit to this listing: 8/2/2015 (3508 days ago)

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