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Blackfoot Cemetery - Oakland City IN Real Haunted Places

  • 300 E Co Rd 900 S
  • Oakland City, IN
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery goes back to the 1800s. The cemetery is believed to be haunted with reportings of unexplainable sounds and lights. The grave is believed to have belonged to a witch, according to local legend.
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  • Recorded Growls

    As you enter the Cemetery there is a large stone. On the back is the history of the Cemetery. My wife, (who has a family member buried there), One of our Grandkids (who was 18 at the time) and My self were at the Cemetery at 10pm, on a New Moon. I started an audio recorder before we exited the car, placing it on the drivers side window. I heard as I placed the recording a deep guttural growl. I asked if anyone else heard anything and my Grand son replied that he had heard a growl, very deep sounding. I had a Seek Thermal camera attached to a tablet and we began our investigation. We found several heat anomaly's where what is thought to be the older unmarked Indian burial area. We searched for roughly an hour. The mosquitos that night were crazy thick and the Frogs and Crickets were definingly loud also, very unusual, My wife grew up in that area, she said it not usually that bad. So we called it early. We have the guttural growl recorded. But that night we didn't get much else. We were also using EMF Detectors and a couple other devices, no real results. we plan to return this fall. I'm an electrical engineer and I have some devices I've made I want to deploy and see what we get. Will post the results if there are any.

    Posted 10/6/24

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  • Blackfoot cemetery

    I have a YouTube channel called Apparition Unknown where I have caught the witches scream on camera. The spirits here do not want bothered. The last time I went there they were talking about cutting and stabbing me through the spirit box session. The only thing I got through the spirit box that wasn't negative was a spirit saying their children were buried nearby. There was children's graves not even 5 ft from where I was sitting. Also you can audibly hear footsteps around you and at some points you will see shadow figures. Another paranormal team that I ran across while I was out here said they heard Indian war drums from the woods keep in mind this was the Blackfoot tribes burial ground before it was a cemetery.

    Posted 3/19/24

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  • Don't be rude to them.

    I've been out there alot the last time I was out there they really didn't want me out there cause a couple years before the last time. I was with a group of friends and they were being really rude to the spirits and I was telling my friends to be respectful an they didn't listen. So now the spirits an whatever else is out there do not like me. Though next time I go I am going to explain to them that I was defending them, just be kind. Though the spirits an whatever else would not stop talking tell me to go an then when I finally left the spirits were no longer active from what my sister said.

    Posted 1/6/24

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  • She's a witch.

    A few friends and i had the idea to visit this cemetery. Although, approaching the sign was as far as they would want to go. Once stated, I have experienced alot of things I can't explain. However, this was. Different. We pulled to the sign (to add, we were sober.) I felt a long deep heaviness, press deep onto my shoulders, as if to hold me down. Without understanding I began to murmer words or sounds that they could not explain and my eyes rolled. Quickly I snapped out of it. Having no breath I began to vomit repeatedly. The whole way off the road. When I came out of it. The only thing I could ask them is which one of them called me a witch, (i was totally, seriously, offended.) The only thing I could hear during said time period. Was a man, shouting she is a witch! Then I snapped out of it. I don't know what touched me that night. But it had me so scared I never went back.

    Posted 9/6/23

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  • the screams

    me and my ex went there late one night we heard a scream coming from near the witches grave we got out of there fast

    Posted 3/22/22

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  • Haunted cemetery

    I’ve been a few times. But I recommend NOT going alone because you’ll only get activity at night. But you’ll hear whispers and see shadows ahead of you. Also I’ve heard footsteps like someone is following you. You definitely feel like you’re being watched. Very creepy

    Posted 11/3/21

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 12/27/2015 (3376 days ago)

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