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Starr Piano Building - Richmond IN Real Haunts

  • S. 1st St.
  • Richmond, IN
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This building dates back to the late-1800s and housed the Starr Piano Company, where they not old made and sold pianos and phonographs, but also housed Gennett Records. Here they recorded blues, jazz and country artists including Jelly Roll Morton, Louis Armstrong and Hoagy Carmichael. In the 1970s, the complex was demolished and its shell still stands to this day. The area is rumored to be haunted and there have been reports of footsteps, voices and a phantom truck seen at the loading dock. Cold spots have also been reported here.
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  • what iv seen

    ok look I hunt ghosts for fun and I do believe this place is actually haunted. However I have only ran into cold spots iv never seen a truck and I have been there many times. I have also noticed that the footsteps you hear are mostly teens looking for some fun but I wouldn't write it off yet it is possible the souls of the people who owned this place could be trapped in what I call a death echo. A death echo is a soul that relives its death for eternity. I also believe that there is an item that is keeping the souls from passing on but I haven't found it yet please let me know if you know anything else.

    Posted 8/18/23

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Visitors to this page: 1,503
Last edit to this listing: 3/25/2016 (3288 days ago)

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