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Story Inn - Nashville IN Haunted Place

  • 6404 South State Road 135
  • Nashville, IN
  • 812-988-2273
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Story Inn is known as the oldest country inn in Indiana. In 1851, this was a community for logging. The property has kept countless records of hauntings occurring at the property written by guests in guest books. Many go back to the sighting of a ghost known as the "Blue Lady."

The "Blue Lady" ghost is said to be the wife of Dr. George Story, a medical doctor associated with a clan of timber harvesters who built structures that distinguish the town of Story as it is today. Reportings including sightings of her in the rooms above the restaurant, blue things left behind in the rooms, and the smell of cherry tobacco, which was a favorite of hers.

Those who want to summon her are to place the blue light in the "on" position in the Garden Room and her spirit will show up. Though even when not summoned, many having claimed sightings of her.
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  • Great place, hard to investigate

    My husband took me for my birthday. We stayed in the Blue Lady room. We got enough evidence through photographs and audio recordings to convince me that there could be up to at least three spirits in the Inn. Also experience an unexplained scent of cherry tobacco around 4 AM. Staff is super friendly and would definitely recommend a visit; however, it is a place that hosts weddings and other secluded type get together and even though the tavern closes at 8 PM, many stay and hang out on the outdoor patio which it directly below the patio to the Blue Lady room

    Posted 3/27/21

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  • Haunting at the Story Inn

    I stayed several years ago. My daughter wanted to see the blue lady. I was expecting to see nothing . Before the trip was over, I was a believer. I saw her petticoat go out through a closed door. The next morning, before the others were awake ,I took a walk. I ended up at the back door where the kitchen was trying to get coffee. Instantly the girl that came to the door recognised me and I her and talked for 5 minutes, and all at once it dawned on both of us we didn't know each other at all. We laughed!! She said, well , this a is a haunted house. It was an incredible feeling. It was like we were long lost best friends , and then the spell was broken. I recommend you stay. What an experience.,!! We have decided to make the trip this summer , once again.

    Posted 3/15/21

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  • Beautiful inn and def. old but not haunted

    Stayed the night with my mom and step dad. Definitely not haunted in my opinion, but I could be wrong. Staff was friendly and I’d recommend it to people tryna get away from the world. The little cottages are nice!!

    Posted 3/3/21

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  • Great Food

    Not much of a town. Only a handful of buildings, none except the inn you can go into without renting to spend the night there. Nothing seemed haunted to me.

    Posted 1/11/21

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Last edit to this listing: 8/2/2015 (3523 days ago)

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