
Whispers Estate - Mitchell IN Real Haunted Place

  • 714 W Warren Street
  • Mitchell, IN
  • 855-557-7665
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The home was built in 1894 and owned by Dr. John and Jessie Gibbons whom reportedly adopted abandoned/orphaned children. One of the children, a young girl named Rachael was burned on/around Christmas Day 1912 at this house after she started a fire in the front parlor and eventually died days after in one of the bedrooms. People say the ghost of the little girl continues to live here along with other spirits. Reports include sights and sounds of her running around the house.

Others have accounts of hearing disembodied voices, as Dr. Gibbons was a prominent doctor in town with his office on the 1st floor where he practiced for approximately 25 years that during that time it would be likely the case patients died there while under his care.
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  • going back

    crazy active. i believe there is a demon in the basement but it travels the whole house. this place was so active we are going back in March.

    Posted 2/10/22

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  • Unbelievable REAL

    Was there fri oct 9th 2020. The house is extremely active. Tried to debunk numerous experiences but how do you debunk a 20min min yes or no conversation with an empty tapping pop can?! One tap for yes and 2 for no, was truly an awesome experience!

    Posted 10/13/20

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  • Touchy Ghosts

    We did an overnight ghost hunt there. Had several experiences. Heard a growl upstairs (2nd floor) in the servants quarters. Got touched and had my pants pulled on the 3rd floor attic. had several KII hits in multiple places. Well worth the visit. Cool place and a nice house.

    Posted 9/16/20

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  • The real deal

    I have visited this house about 5 times now. Each time I leave with a new experience. Being touched, seeing items move, equipment tampering, noises, doors opening and so much more!!!

    Posted 6/5/20

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  • worth the drive

    such good activity, never felt alone always being watched, noises and knocks on the wall

    Posted 10/8/19

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  • True Haunted House

    I have been twice. The things that go on in that home are truly unbelievable. Tried to debunk over and over, but unexplainable scares occur way too often.. Rachel's room is very active and demons in the basement. So stay way from their.

    Posted 5/20/16

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    4 out of 5 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: 855-557-7665

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Visitors to this page: 8,019
Clicks to Website: 1,072
Last edit to this listing: 12/27/2015 (3376 days ago)

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