Hotels in Indiana That are Really Haunted
If you're feeling particularly brave, and you're not afraid of what goes bump in the night, then spending an evening at one of Indiana's Haunted Hotels is the perfect way to test your bravery. As many legends begin, it was a dark and stormy night when many of the Haunted Hotels across Indiana gained their supernatural status, and many of these haunted hotels claim that visitors can still see, hear, and even touch the phantoms that plague their properties. Haunted Hotels can be a ton of fun to stay at, but if you're weak of heart, don't plan on sleeping through the night!
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This historic hotel is said to house the apparition of a disruptive criminal who was shot dead on the premises. He has been seen in the main dining room, and there is rumored to be an unknown woman in distress who haunts the bed and breakfast part of the building. She has been heard calling for help in the hours between dusk and dawn, but has never been seen. Read MoreCategories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This historic place believed to have been built in 1893 by Abraham Kauffman. The hotel served as a layover for the railroad that passed through the business district. It is believed to be haunted by many spirits. Sightings have included apparitions of men, women and children. Other ghostly occurrences have included disembodied voices, footsteps, lights turning on and off, and doors... Read MoreCategories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Flight attendants and pilots that have stayed at this hotel have reported seeing a ghostly flight attendant in the mirror and sitting on the edge of their beds. Rumors say she was killed at the hotel by a pilot. The hotel is no longer in operation. Read MoreCategories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Built as a private home in the 1850s, the property is now a inn. An apparition of a woman is said to exist here. She is believed to be the wife of one of the owners. She is heard and seen walking the hallways according to reportings. Read MoreCategories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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In the 1920's this hotel was a high-class resort and popular spot for celebrities and Chicago gangsters to get away from the city. Al Capone was one of those guest who would stay in Room 301 and buy out the entire hotel. Many claim it is haunted by mobster Al Capone and other gangsters who frequented the place. Hotel staff have reported sightings, photos taken at the hotel to... Read MoreCategories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Indianapolis Athletic Club is located inside a historic building that offers a variety of condominium options. Home to a fitness center, virtual golf, a basketball gym, and more - the residents here not only get to enjoy these features - but the ghost stories as well. The athletic club is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of a firefighter who died while on a call to the building in... Read MoreCategories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This historic hotel was established in 1845, near the mineral springs. The rich and the famous vacationed here. It has since been renovated and re-opened. There have been many reporting from workers and guests of the hotel of it being haunted, particularly the 6th floor. Haunted experiences have included shadows, breezes, footsteps, and disembodied laughter. There’s also stories of... Read MoreCategories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel was built in 1853, known as the Revere House. Guest have reported seeing glowing apparitions in hotel rooms and other events like closet doors opening and closing as well as sounds of ghostly voices. Read MoreCategories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Story Inn is known as the oldest country inn in Indiana. In 1851, this was a community for logging. The property has kept countless records of hauntings occurring at the property written by guests in guest books. Many go back to the sighting of a ghost known as the "Blue Lady." The "Blue Lady" ghost is said to be the wife of Dr. George Story, a medical doctor associated with a clan... Read MoreCategories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This inn dates back to the 1830's and is known to have a playful spirit that likes to hide guests' things in strange places. One time, a guests' lipstick turned up in a shoe. Disembodied footsteps and cold spots have also been reported here, and psychic and ghost-hunting teams have determined that there are ghosts of a man in the basement and a young girl who wanders the inn. Read MoreCategories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel dates back to 1912 and now houses the offices of a paranormal investigative team. They have reported that the building is one of the most haunted in the entire state. It has had a troubling history of manslaughter, murder and illegal activity. There have been at least two or three homicides on the grounds, including a barber who was buried under the porch and a grocer who was... Read MoreCategories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging