
Williams Bridge - Williams IN Real Haunted Place

  • Huron & Williams Rd.
  • Williams, IN
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Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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This wooden covered bridge dates back to 1884 and was closed in 2010. Many believe it is haunted due to an accident that occurred here in the past, before it used to be a covered bridge. The story says a man on horseback was riding across when his horse suddenly jumped off the side. Witnesses say that at midnight, the accident replays and that you may even hear a man screaming and a horse neighing in panic.
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  • Seen a white figure in the wood line

    Me and my buddys went a few hours ago about 12 seen a white figure moving around in the tree line we yelled out and it just turned around we seen no eyes or any face features all we remember is it turning and standing up yet no eyes even when we shined our lights

    Posted 1/8/25

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  • Trying Williams bridge tonight!

    Gonna take the kids to the bridge tonight. Let you know what happens!

    Posted 7/25/23

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    0 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Somewhat Ghost Hunting

    I was here about a year ago around probably 11pm or 12am and I was using a ghost hunting app I know most of them are frauds but this one isn't. It kept saying death and dead and kill on the ghost box an I got abit creeped out an I felt a very thick and uneasy presence an when I was walking back to my friends car the ghost box said behind me an then next thing you know I her foot steps on the wooded side of the bridge that were fast and heavy thays when I turned my phone off an rushed back to the car as fast as possible.

    Posted 9/8/22

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  • Heard horse galloping at 2am

    We went there around 2am lastnight! Didn't hear or see anything for a minute, then as I'm about to get out to get a picture of the entrance, the frogs that were chirping around us got EXTREMELY loud, so I stuck my head out the window and I distinctly heard a horse galloping toward us on the far side of the bridge, it was quite, but I KNOW what I heard, my mamaw has has horses her whole life, we used to go riding, so I know exactly what a galloping horse sounds like, especially coming across a bridge.

    Posted 4/5/20

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • At the covered bridge we heard a horse ??felt uneasy presence there

    My husband and I went here at about 930 pm we heard a horse ?? and footsteps it was completely dark and we used our phone lights it is definitely haunted and most terrifying place we even seen so far in our haunting travel journey

    Posted 12/26/19

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • We heard a little girl laughing and giggling at the covered bridge

    Me and my husband went to the Williams covered bridge and we heard kids laughing they sounded like about six or seven. It sounded like a girl. On the out side of the bridge. Walk through the bridge and go to the other side where the hard real is. Something else had to happen there with a girl. But I will say she sounded happy.

    Posted 11/5/19

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • We heard a little girl laughing and giggling at the covered bridge

    Me and my husband went to the Williams covered bridge and we heard kids laughing they sounded like about six or seven. It sounded like a girl. On the out side of the bridge. Walk through the bridge and go to the other side where the hard real is. Something else had to happen there with a girl. But I will say she sounded happy.

    Posted 11/5/19

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,650
Last edit to this listing: 3/25/2016 (3287 days ago)

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